Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy birthday to me :)

So, as I just gave away in this post's header (above), it's my birthday.

What wild and crazy things have I done since I got out of bed about seven hours ago? Well, playing the "special" mode of the PC Engine port of Parodius Da! counts as wild and crazy, right?

I've also played a good bit of a few other PC Engine games, namely Detana!! TwinBee, Pro Tennis World Court (RPG mode, of course) and Valkyrie no Densetsu.

That's all well and good, I'm sure some of you are thinking, but what about newer games? Have you spent any time with games that were made and released in the last, say, 20 years?

Not really. I'll be playing some of those kinds of games soon, though. Or at least I hope I'll be playing them soon.

That's because between my parents and myself, I received three thoroughly modern games as birthday gifts this year.

OK, so I personally bought two of the three games in question. Also, one of them technically is 20 years old--although the version I snagged is just seven years old.

That particular game would be Chrono Trigger DS, by the way.

Yes, Justin Difazzio, I'm finally going to play this classic Squaresoft RPG. (In case some of you haven't followed every single word I've said on this blog or on Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr over the years, although I watched my older brother play through most of Chrono Trigger when both of us were much, much younger, I've never played through it myself.)

As for why I bought it now, that would be because Square Enix's online store hosted a bit of a sale yesterday, and one of the best bargains to be had (for a short period of time, it seems) revolved around brand-new copies of Chrono Trigger DS for $6.

Another, far more modern game I bought for myself yesterday: the Vita port of Hatoful Boyfriend.

I've been meaning to buy this pigeon-centric dating sim for ages, but failed to do so until now for all sorts of stupid reasons.

When I heard (via Twitter) that it could be picked up via the PlayStation Store for just $5, though, I hightailed it over there and nabbed a copy as quickly as I was able.

Sadly, I'm not going to be able to play the damn thing until at least Christmas, as the game is 1.9 gigs in size--which is way more than my poor Vita can handle.

As such, until I buy (or receive for Christmas) a Vita memory card, Hatoful Boyfriend is going to have to become intimately acquainted with the other games on my PSN download list.

That leaves just the game my parents so kindly bought and sent me for my birthday: Yo-Kai Watch for 3DS.

I really enjoyed this game's demo, so I'm very much looking forward to playing through the full offering.

Have you played any of these three titles? If so, share your thoughts on them in the comments section below.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy birthday to me!

Yep, not only is it Thanksgiving here in the U.S., but it's my birthday, too.

Which is kind of weird, to be honest, but I've never been big on celebrating my birthday, so that's OK.

It's especially OK now that I've opened the presents my parents gave to me this morning, one of which contained the copy of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call that can be seen in the photo to the right.

I'm kind of surprised Amazon et al still had copies of this game's limited edition, to tell you the truth--not that I'm complaining!

Anyway, it's a pretty safe bet that I'll spend some quality time with it tomorrow--along with Fantasy Life and Solitiba, of course. (Yes, I'm still putting a ton of time into both, especially Fantasy Life.)

My parents also gave me a nice chunk of change, I have to add. Would it surprise you to hear I've already spent a portion of it on Japanese 3DS games?

Don't worry, I'll write about all of them here after they finally arrive on my doorstep (and after I've spent at least a little time with them).

In the meantime, I hope all of you have a wonderful Thursday--whether it's Thanksgiving in your neck of the woods or not.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy birthday to me :)

Sorry, no "real" post today. It's my birthday!

The day's already off to a great start, by the way, as one of the presents my parents sent me was a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, a game I've been admiring at a distance for some time now.

That's the only gaming gift I'm likely to receive this year, but that's OK--I bought a few games for myself earlier this week, including (but limited to) the three Namco Gallery titles I mentioned in yesterday's post. (I also purchased a Japanese copy of Crush Roller for the Neo Geo Pocket Color, despite the fact that I have nothing to play it on at the moment.)

While I wait for them to arrive, I'll do my best to put Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate through its paces--although maybe I should finally pick up a digital copy of Culty's Monster Hunter Beginner's Guide before I jump in.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy birthday to me!

I know it's a bit uncouth to wish oneself a happy birthday, but don't judge me too harshly. There's a point to this, er, self-celebratory post, after all.

As for what that is: Well, it's to point out that I recently bought myself (using birthday money from my parents) one of those pink-and-white 3DS XLs I've been fawning over since the Japanese version was announced in late August.

Here are two photos of the system's rather stylish packaging:

And here's a snapshot of the system itself:

Oh, and here's how it looks when it's open and about to play a game:

Don't fret too much over that yellow-ish bottom screen, by the way; in reality, it isn't noticeable (or at least it isn't to me).

What do I think of it so far, you ask? Let's just say I have a feeling that, from now on, I'll only pick up my original 3DS when I want to play it while I'm out on the town. In every other situation, though, I'll be reaching for the beauty you see in the photos above.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

I originally felt kind of weird mentioning this here, but then I thought, 'If I can't mention my birthday on my own blog, where can I mention it?'

So, there you go. It's my birthday! Yay me :)

What am I doing on this most glorious of days? Well, aside from sitting at my computer ... not much. I've been sick since Wednesday, though, so "not much" is actually preferable to most activities at the moment.

I am doing one fun, game-related thing (besides blogging) while I sit at my computer, by the way: I'm finding all sorts of ways to spend the chunk of change my parents sent me as a birthday gift.

Specifically, I'm buying some of the games (mostly Japanese ones, but not all) that I've been dreaming about for the last few months while I've been broke.

(Note: The cake in the photograph above is a recreation of the birthday cake that appears in the Animal Crossing games. To make one for yourself or someone you love, check out the Gourmet Gaming blog.)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

You don't look a day over 20, PC Engine

One of the coolest consoles, if not the coolest console, to ever see the light of day, NEC's PC Engine, is celebrating its 24th birthday today.

For those of you who are a bit mathematically challenged, that means the sleek little system below was "born" on Oct. 30, 1987.

I'm sure I've told this story before, but in case I haven't: I've been interested in (some would say obsessed with) this console ever since I laid eyes on it in an early issue of either Electronic Gaming Monthly or GamePro magazine.

Although I acquired a TurboGrafx-16--the PC Engine's North American cousin--shortly after it was released, I didn't add a PC Engine to my collection until two years ago.

It should go without saying that the shockingly small system (it's about the size of three or four CD cases stacked on top of one another) is one of my most-treasured pieces of gaming paraphernalia.

Anyway, please join me in raising an imaginary glass of bubbly to the "little white wonder," as I like to call the PC Engine, for surviving its awkward teen years and for blossoming into the beautiful 24-year-old we know and love today.

Also, join me in playing a few of its most noteworthy games. Some of the ones I'm planning to spend time with this afternoon: Air Zonk (aka PC Denjin), Bomberman '94, Final Match Tennis and Parasol Stars.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy birthday to me (for real this time)!

Yep, it's finally my birthday. Yay!

It's been a great one so far, thanks in part to my husband and my parents--who not only sent me a copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn but also sent me the money that was used (a few days ago) to buy a Twin Famicom (and a select few Famicom games).

My sister-in-law added to the greatness yesterday by sending me a birthday package that included a ton of candy (I've got a *bit* of a sweet tooth) and a copy of Art Academy for the DS.

I've had my eye on this edutainment title since it hit the streets late last month, so I was enthralled when I opened said sister-in-law's package (that sounds dirty) and saw it staring back me.

I haven't played it yet--Kirby's Epic Yarn still has a hold on me--but I plan on getting to it as soon as possible.

See also: 'I've been called a lot of things ...'