Showing posts with label action RPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label action RPG. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Thanks to this trailer, I'm probably going to buy The Princess is Money-Hungry (Vita) even though I doubt I'll understand much of its gameplay

You may recall that a couple of weeks ago I published a post about this upcoming Nippon Ichi-made Vita game.

At that time, I suggested I'd place a pre-order for it as soon as possible. That suggestion was made based on its pedigree, a couple of screenshots and a tiny bit of information.

Well, we now have a trailer that shows off a lot more of what The Princess is Money-Hungry has to offer, and ... I'm not sure if it makes me more or less interested in the title than I was before I laid eyes on it.

OK, that's not completely true. I'm still almost painfully interested in The Princess is Money-Hungry--thanks in large part to its wonderfully pixelated protagonist and enemies.

I'm more than a tad worried I won't be able to suss out its gameplay, though, due to my continued discomfort with the Japanese language.

Some of you likely are thinking, isn't it likely NIS America will release an English version of the game sometime next year à la World's Longest 5 Minutes?

That may be true, but I doubt they'll offer up a physical limited edition like Japanese Vita owners probably will get.

I'll let you know what I decide either way, of course. In the meantime, are any of you thinking of buying this action RPG?  Or maybe you're now hoping it'll make its way across the pond in the coming months?

Regardless, share your thoughts and feelings on the matter in the comments section below.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Who wouldn't want to play a game called The Princess is Money-Hungry?

Apparently the folks at Nippon Ichi Software didn't get the memo that I need another Japanese Vita game sitting on my shelf like I need a hole in the head.

Why do I say that? Because a couple of days ago the developer and publisher of weird and wonderful niche titles went ahead and announced one. It's name, as I'm sure can guess (and if you can't, lift your eyes and look at the headline at the top of this post), is The Princess is Money-Hungry.

OK, so that's its unofficially translated name. In the original Japanese, its name is Princess ha Kane no Mouja.

Whatever you call it, though, this upcoming action RPG sounds intriguing. Don't take my word for it; here's what had to say about it after reading through The Princess is Money-Hungry's just-launched Amazon Japan listing:

"You’ll defeat enemies and collect money, and when you find a really tough enemy, you can even buy them with money. You can use the money you earn on special moves. When you’re in a pinch, you can somehow use money to get past it."

I guess you could say it sounds a tad like Nintendo's Freshly-Pickled Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, but that's fine with me. Especially since this Vita title's sure to feature Nippon Ichi's charming, trademark spritework.

Does this mean I've already pre-ordered a copy of this sucker (it's set to hit the streets of Japan on Nov. 24)? No, but only because no one's allowing it at the moment.

As soon as that changes, though, you can bet your sweet patootie I'll slap down some money for it. How about you?