Showing posts with label X. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Super Dead Mario

I love pretty much every aspect of the following piece of art, produced by the always creative Oskunk, but my favorite part, it has to be said, is the mushroom with the X-ed out eyes in the lower-left corner.

To see some more of Oskunk's wicked (I mean that both literally and figuratively) creations, check out his Flickr photostream and/or his blog, Custom Art.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A few thoughts on this morning's E3 2013 Nintendo Direct

Note: I'm taking a page from from my blogging pal Viewtiful Justin's book and making this post about today's E3 2013 Nintendo Direct (watch it here) a stream-of-consciousness affair.

Pokémon X/Y--The game, due out on Oct. 12, continues to look great. I like how the battles have a cartoonish flair to them. Also, fairy-type Pokémon? That's all I needed to hear.

Super Mario 3D World--Huh. I'm not what I think about that cat power-up. Everything else looks nice and clean, though--like Super Mario 3D Land, but better. Wait, you mean we can control Peach again? SOLD. That said, I'm not entirely sure about the gameplay. I expected something Super Mario Galaxy-esque, and this isn't it. Still, it seems fun.

Mario Kart 8--I know some will be confused by my next comment, but I thought this one looked really good. Surprisingly good, even. I guess I didn't expect the Wii U version to look quite so ... detailed. I also really like its F-Zero-esque elements--you know, the anti-gravity stuff. Bummer about the "spring 2014" release date, though. Wasn't it supposed to be out late this year?

Wii Party U--Zzzzzzzzzzz. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it'll be fun in its own way, but it's really not my cup of tea.

Wii Fit U--That we're still waiting for this game is either a joke or a travesty or both, if you ask me. Seriously, a December 2013 release? It should have been out in December 2012. Sigh.

Art Academy U--Seems interesting enough, although I'm not sure it's something I'll get for myself. After all, I bought both previous Art Academy titles and have yet to really "play" them. It'll surely be a boon to those who use Miiverse, though.

Third-party Wii U games--Wait, you mean such a thing exists? Just kidding (kind of).

Wii U and 3DS eShop games--Is it wrong that Coaster Crazy Deluxe excited me the most out of this montage of upcoming digital releases? Oh, and Mutant Mudds Deluxe also looks good--well, except for the design of its protagonist--as does Shovel Knight.