Showing posts with label Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Japanese 3DS owners get the best Swapnote stationary designs

I don't know about you, but I haven't opened up my 3DS' Swapnote app for some time now.

That's not a reflection on the quality of the product, mind you; rather it's a reflection on my inability to deal with the flood of a million (give or take a few thousand) Swapnotes that are sure to flood my in-box should I decide to check in on it.

I'm seriously considering testing my mettle, though, thanks to the following handful of stationary designs that have been sent to Japanese 3DS owners in recent weeks.

I'm pretty keen on the one above, which first appeared about a month ago in response to the continued success of Denpa Ningen no RPG 2 (aka The "Denpa" Men 2), because of its colorful, Katamari Damacy-esque vibe.

The rather classy one above, on the other hand, was released to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

In a cruel twist of fate, not only do Japanese 3DS owners get to play Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori (aka Animal Crossing: New Leaf), but they also get to exchange adorable, Animal Crossing-themed notes and doodles thanks to the stationary design seen above (which was first delivered to unsuspecting gamers a week or so ago).

Two days ago, the folks at Nintendo starting sending out the precious piece of stationary that can be seen above, which once again includes characters from the popular eShop title, Denpa Ningen no RPG 2.

Will those of us who don't have Japanese 3DSes (or don't have friends who have Japanese 3DS3s) ever gain access to any of these Swapnote designs? I have my doubts, but I'm crossing my fingers and toes all the same.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

And once again I'm hoping the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS XL is brought to North America

Informal poll: who believes the awesome, Animal Crossing-branded 3DS XL (a few photos of it can be seen here and here) that was released in Japan late last year will see the light of day in Europe or North America in 2013?

Personally, I'm with the non-believers in this case. My main reason: if memory serves, Nintendo has released just two limited edition 3DS models outside of Japan so far (those being the Pikachu-themed XL that recently landed in Europe and the black-and-gold one that commemorated the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda in 2011)--although a third will hit the streets alongside Fire Emblem: Awakening's launch.

Still, that's a pretty bad track record when you consider how many special edition 3DS systems have found their way onto Japanese store shelves over the last few years.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong, as this particular 3DS XL looks awesome in every way.

Speaking of which, the writing of this post was prompted by the video that can be seen above (and here).

I have no idea what the effervescent guy who serves as its star is saying, of course, but I think his enthusiasm for his new acquisition comes through loud and clear.

(Via apricotsushi)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stomp on my heart a little harder, why don't you?

True story: For about a week in early October, I was the proud, er, "pre-owner" of one of the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS LL systems that just hit store shelves in Japan.

I eventually canceled my pre-order, though, because, well, I just couldn't deal with the idea of spending $400-plus on a handheld--even one as fabulous-looking as this one.

Anyway, I felt pretty good about that decision until I came across the unboxing video below (and here) the other day. Now I'm back to wishing I'd emptied my bank account just so I could stare at--or, you know, use--one of these beauties whenever I felt like it.

Is anyone else shocked by how small this system's box is, by the way? I know it doesn't include an AC adapter or charging cradle, but I'm still a bit surprised.

Unboxing videos not your thing? You may want to check out the "gratuitous Animal Crossing 3DS LL/XL photo shoot" over at the Chic Pixel blog then. (Yes, that means Anne just got an Animal Crossing 3DS LL and, yes, that means I'm more jealous of her than I've ever been before.)

So, what do you think the chances are that Nintendo of America, Australia and Europe will bring this system to their respective regions? Yeah, I'm thinking "slim to none," too.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

455 reasons next spring can't come soon enough

How can I include 455 reasons in a single blog post? By sharing the just-released 455-second trailer for Nintendo's Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori (aka Animal Crossing: Jump Out) that can be seen below (and here).

Yes, I actually think every second of this trailer can be pointed to as a reason that spring 2013--which is when this 3DS title is supposed to appear on North American store shelves--should hurry up and arrive already.

My favorite moments of this particular trailer: The cherry blossoms at 1:45, the amazeballs space-themed room at 4:13, the blue fish at 6:13 and the twirling umbrella at 6:58.

Also, I have to say that I love how the grass seems to shimmer in this installment. A small detail, to be sure, but not an altogether insignificant one (in my opinion, at least).


Thursday, October 11, 2012

I want Animal Crossing 3DS baaaaaaadly

Ever since the Animal Crossing-branded 3DS LL was announced for Japanese release (alongside the game on Nov. 8) and the Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori-focused Nintendo Direct was broadcast (on Oct. 5), I've spent more time than I'd like to admit daydreaming about the next entry in this adorable, world-conquering series.

As if that weren't bad enough, I'm so obsessed with the game right now that I've even taken to sites like deviantART in search of Animal Crossing-inspired illustrations.

The first piece of such fan art that I came across is the one you see above (and here), which features Cheri, a bear cub who only appeared in the first Animal Crossing, and Chevre, a Francophonic goat who has been featured in every Animal Crossing title thus far.

It was created by Japanese artist who goes by "Marys-Lamb" by the way. Also, it prompted the punny headline above.

I also came across a few holiday-themed illustrations that were inspired by Animal Crossing, including the one above (conjured up by Thai artist DC9spot).

This effort, produced by US-based artist Rin, caught my eye, too:

Sigh. The next few months are going to be tough for those of us waiting for non-Japanese versions of this game, aren't they?

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

How desperate am I to get my hands on Animal Crossing 3DS? *This* is how desperate I am to get my hands on Animal Crossing 3DS...

I mean, I'd have to be pretty desperate to watch, a few times over and with bated breath no less, The Bit Block's video analysis of Animal Crossing 3DS' Japanese box art that can be viewed below, don't you think?

Although a few of Josh's comments tripped my trigger, if you know what I mean, the one that really revved my motor was the one that suggested this iteration of the Animal Crossing franchise may include more than one island to explore, à la the first release.

Sadly, it seems all of us schmucks outside of Japan won't be playing this game anytime soon, as Nintendo of America recently tweeted that it would hit the streets sometime during "the first half of 2013"--which of course means it likely won't do so until around June.

Are any of you also chomping at the bit to get your hands on the game that the Japanese will call Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori (aka Animal Crossing: Jump Out)?