Showing posts with label Timecowboy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timecowboy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Awesome thing that's on my radar (and that should be on yours, too): Animal Crosszine

I first heard about the Animal Crosszine after randomly coming across a tweet by the esteemable Jake Lawrence--who revealed in said tweet that he was working on a submission for this forthcoming Animal Crossing-focused 'zine.

Co-editors Meghan Lands and Justin Woo are pushing for their publication--which they say will be "comprised of comics, stories and fan art celebrating Animal Crossing"--to be in readers' hands by Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s North American release date (June 9).

In the meantime, feast your eyes on a colorized excerpt of Lawrence's contribution (below--taken from the Timecowboy! tumblr) and Daniel Bressette's similarly awesome "Tom Nook cut-out" concoction that can be found over at

For more information on Animal Crosszine, check out its official tumblr at