Showing posts with label The Pokemon Company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Pokemon Company. Show all posts

Saturday, December 05, 2015

This better mean Nintendo's planning to release a 'Machoke Movers' 3DS menu theme tout de suite

Just over a year ago (or just under a year ago, if you don't own a Japanese 3DS), Nintendo dropped a 3DS menu theme that changed lives from one side of the globe to the other.

I'm talking about this Slowpoke-centric theme, of course.

OK, so it only changed my life. Still, that's pretty impressive considering the life-changer in question is a lousy home menu theme.

Anyway, as mind-blowing as that Slowpoke theme was and continues to be, I'm pretty sure a similar creation based on the following Japanese commercial would be even more so.

Seriously, who would use anything other than a "Machoke Movers" 3DS menu theme if such a concoction were released?

I'm going to guess next to no one.

So, please make this happen, Nintendo and Pokémon Company. And make it happen soon.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let's Play: 'Which Box Art is Better?' (Pokémon X/Y edition)

I may not be the biggest Pokémon fan around, but I like the series well enough to follow developments related to its mainline releases.

Which is why, of course, I decided to devote a "Which Box Art is Better?" post to the covers that are being considered for Pokémon X and Y.

I'm guessing you don't need me to point out which is which, but just in case you do, here's Pokémon X supposedly preliminary box art:

And here's the art that'll likely grace the covers of Pokémon Y copies:

As for which I prefer: I'm a bit torn this time around, I have to say, as I really like X's cool tones and commanding protagonist while I think Y's has a better, more balanced, design.

If I were forced to pick one over the other, though, I'd probably go with Y. Which one would you choose and why?

See also: previous 'Which Box Art is Better?' posts

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Nintendo is doing its darndest to kill my marriage

How so, you ask? By releasing so many "must buy" games for their many systems over the next few months, that's how.

Specifically, by releasing Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii sometime this month (this week? next week? I have no idea...), Mario Tennis Open for the 3DS on May 20 and The Last Story--also for the Wii--on June 19.

Oh, and Pokémon Conquest--the Americanization of the just-released-in-Japan Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition--for the DS on June 18. (Here is Pokémon Conquest's box art, by the way, and here is the game's first English trailer.)

In case you didn't know already, Pokémon Conquest's stateside release was announced yesterday by the folks at Nintendo of America.

More information about this strategy RPG, developed by Tecmo Koei, can be found at, so head over there if you're at all curious about it. (You are, aren't you?)

(Via and