Showing posts with label Team GrisGris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Team GrisGris. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Although I've yet to buy or play Corpse Party: Book of Shadows ...

... I can't help but find myself attracted to the recently announced Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient.

In part, that's because Dead Patient seemingly will return the series to the gameplay found in the eponymous PSP release. Also, as far as I'm aware, this sequel will be the first to be made by Team GrisGris (now known as Grindhouse), the folks responsible for the first Corpse Party.

Here are a pair of teaser trailers for Dead Patient, in case any of you are similarly curious about it:

Word on the street is that Dead Patient will receive at least a PC release, although some suggest it'll be ported to the Vita as well.

Personally, I'd love for it to come to the 3DS, too, but I have a feeling that's about as likely as Sega's wackadoodle golf-meets-pinball title, @field, making a similar platform leap at this point.

(Via apricotsushi)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Returning to the Corpse Party: 'Book of Shadows' is coming to North America

And not only that, but Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is coming to North America sometime "this winter."

Oh, and this digital PSP title will be brought here by the fabulous folks at Xseed Games. (They're fabulous because not only did they bring the original Corpse Party to our region late last year, but they've also brought a trio of similarly unique Wii games to the North American masses over the last few years: Fragile Dreams, Ivy the Kiwi? and Little King's Story.)

Don't worry, European Corpse Party fans--Book of Shadows is coming your way, too. Unfortunately, the closest Xseed staffers will come to a release date in your neck of the woods at the moment is "sometime shortly after" the game hits the streets on our shores.

For a brief glimpse at what you can expect to experience in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows once it's finally added to your region's iteration of PSN, check out the just-released teaser trailer (above and here).

Confession time: I'm picking this up day one despite the fact that I've yet to beat the first game. I didn't stop (well) short of Corpse Party's end credits because I disliked anything about it, mind you. Rather, I got stuck at one point and refused to head to GameFAQs for a solution. Shortly after I reached that impasse, it fell off my radar due to the release of some other title I can't remember right now.

Anyway, I'll get back to that ghoulish adventure eventually. Whether that happens before or after I add Book of Shadows to my PSP collection, though, is another question entirely.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Acquisition #124: Corpse Party

I've been meaning to pick up Corpse Party, the "horror adventure" title developed by 5pb and Team GrisGris and published by Xseed Games, since its North American PSN release was announced last fall.

For some reason, though, I dragged my feet until just before my husband and I flew home to take care of my mom and dad. (Actually, I shouldn't say "for some reason," as I'm fairly certain my feet dragged because of Corpse Party's $19.99 price tag, which I still consider a bit high for a download-only title.)

Unfortunately, I can't even share with you a few early thoughts on this supposedly well-worth-the-price-of-admission game (according to numerous reviews, including this one by Anne Lee, aka the Chic Pixel blog's--and this blog's--apricotsushi) because, well, I've been taking care of my mom and dad for the past three weeks.

Things are ever-so-slightly returning to normal in my life, though, so I'm going to do my best to give Corpse Party a go during our flight back to Seattle in a few days. Should I fail to do so, don't fret. I'll make sure I play at least a bit of it at some point in the following week--and afterward I'll publish some early impressions here.

Have any of you played Corpse Party? If so, what did you think of it?

See also: 'Acquisition #123: Patchwork Heroes'