Showing posts with label TTi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TTi. Show all posts

Friday, April 29, 2011

Would this ad have prompted more Americans to purchase a TurboDuo?

Probably not, but it couldn’t have hurt.

The folks at NEC (or TTI) would have had to redo the commercial’s song, though, since I can’t make out most of what’s being said in the current version.

I can hear, “let’s spend the night together!” at the beginning, for instance, and then the next thing I can make out is, “together having fun”--which comes just before the oh-so-cheerful chorus. The only other part I understand is the last line: “Look on the bright side of your life!”

All that said, I’ve watched the darn thing about 10 times now, so clearly it can be enjoyed quite a bit despite the language difficulties.