Showing posts with label Sam Bosma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam Bosma. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nathan Drake by Sam Bosma

Of all the PS3 games I want to own and play, Naughty Dog's trio of Uncharted titles are near the top of the list--thanks in large part to the fact that I find the game's protagonist to be, well, kind of hot (for a guy made out of polygons, especially).

As such, it shouldn't be all that surprising to hear that I perked up (take that as you will) when I came across the following drawing of said protagonist, Nathan Drake, while perusing Google+ a few days ago. (Thanks, Maré Odomo!)

Baltimore-based artist Sam Bosma is the man who's responsible for whipping up this wonderfully realized illustration, by the way. More of his work can be seen on his blog and on his website.