Showing posts with label Rocket Company. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rocket Company. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A piece of news that should surprise no one: I'm eyeing up another Japan-only 3DS puzzler

Pretty soon, my "collection" of Japanese 3DS games will consist solely of import-only puzzlers.

OK, so that's a bit of an overstatement, but only a bit. After all, I already have Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku (aka Touch Detective: Funghi's Big Breed), and pretty soon I'll have Zoo Keeper 3D, too.

Should I add Rocket Company's Kumamon ★ Bomber Puzzle de Kumamon Taisou to that list in a few months--and I likely will, as I've already pre-ordered it via puzzlers will make up just under 50 percent of my Japanese 3DS games collection.

This fruit-matching game's box art can be seen here, by the way, while additional screenshots of it can be seen over at

Kumamon ★ Bomber Puzzle de Kumamon Taisou will hit Japanese store shelves--as well as the 3DS eShop, I'm guessing--on March 13 carrying a price tag of ¥5,040 (about $50).

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reason #406 I could be considered an 'eccentric' (aka bat-sh*t crazy) gamer

Let's make this one really easy: Many a person could--and should--consider me an "eccentric" (aka bat-shit crazy) gamer because I'm seriously considering buying the 3DS game you see below.

How seriously? Well, not as seriously as you may think, but seriously enough for me to add it to my "save items list" over at, at the very least.

For those of you wondering what in the hell you're looking at: It's a soon-to-be-released Japanese 3DS game called Neratte! Tobashite! Rilakkuma Guragura Sweets Tower. (That's Aim! Hurl! Rilakkuma's Shaky Sweets Tower, for everyone who's like me and doesn't know a lick of Japanese.)

Oh, and it'll hit the streets in Japan on Dec. 13 carrying a price tag of ¥5,040 (about $63).

I'm sure at least a few of you are thinking, "That doesn't sound too crazy to me"--especially since I've hardly been shy about expressing my penchant for adorable games. Would you feel the same way, though, if you knew that Neratte! Tobashite! Rilakkuma Guragura Sweets Tower was little more than a cuter-than-it-has-any-right-to-be Angry Birds clone (a fact that is made painfully evident in the video below)?

That last bit is what's keeping me from considering Neratte! Tobashite! Rilakkuma Guragura Sweets Tower too seriously at the moment.

Should I find a copy of this pixelated confection selling for, say, $20 on eBay in the near or distant future, though, I can't promise I'll be able to keep myself from adding it to my collection.

See also: Other reasons I could be considered an 'eccentric' (aka bat-sh*t crazy) gamer