OK, so I did tell you a bit about it--in
this post. But I didn't tell you much about it, did I?
What more do I have to say about it, you ask? Well, how about this: I wasn't planning on picking up a "misty pink" Japanese 3DS until sometime later this year. Until I came across an auction for the one you see in the photos below.
As for what prompted me to place a bid on said auction: I can't remember what the starting bid was, but it was quite a bit less than what Japanese 3DSes tend to sell for in the States.
What I do remember is what I ended up paying for it--a smidge less than $150. Even after shipping was factored in I paid less than I would have for a North American version of the same system.
I know, I don't know what prompted the folks at
PlayAsia to offer up such a deal either, but I gladly took advantage of it.
Sadly, all I've done with it so far is downloaded a bunch of Japanese demos. I'm planning to buy a few Japan-only eShop games in the coming weeks, though, so once I do that I'll write about them here.
I'm also hoping to purchase my first Japanese 3DS retail game sooner rather that later. I haven't yet done so because I'm still unsure as to which one I want.
Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigina Orb is the frontrunner right now, although
Osawari Tantei Nameko Daihanshoku (a puzzler based on the characters of the
Touch Detective series) and even
Zoo Keeper 3D are distinct possibilities, too.
See also: '
12 import games I bought in 2012 but didn't tell you about until now'