Showing posts with label Pier Solar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pier Solar. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

From the back of my boyhood closet, part one

Those of you who read this post from yesterday afternoon will know that I recently discovered a bunch of game-related treasures while digging through my boyhood closet. (And if you haven't read the aforementioned post? Uh, maybe you should read it now.)

Well, one of those finds--I'll write about five more in the coming weeks--is the Sega Genesis 2 system (and controller) seen in the following photo.

Neither item is in perfect condition, but both are in good, working order, so you know what that means: I now can play that copy of Pier Solar I bought early last year. (Read about that situation here.)

I don't expect Pier Solar to be the only game that gets stuck into my recently-rediscovered Genesis 2 this year, of course; I also expect to slide copies of Shining in the Darkness, Shining Force, Shining Force II and Landstalker into the system's cartridge slot at some point or other.

Before I purchase those titles, though, I'm going to have to get one of those slick, six-button controllers, since I've never been much of a fan of the cheap, chunky, three-button ones.

See also: Previous 'from the back of my boyhood closet' posts

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Five more retro games and systems I'm looking forward to playing in 2012

Yesterday, I wrote about five retro games and systems--like Chack'n Pop for the Famicom and the Sega Game Gear--that I'm looking forward to buying (if need be) and playing in 2012. Here are five more:

1. Kaettekita Mario Bros.--To those of you wondering what the hell Kaettekita Mario Bros. is: It's an updated version of Nintendo's arcade classic that was released, with the help of Japanese food company Nagatanien for the Famicom Disk System back in 1988. The main reason I want to own and play it: Honestly, I like that it's a somewhat-rare oddity. There are other reasons, too, though, such as that the graphics and music in this version are a smidge better than those seen and heard in the Famicom cart release and that the titular Mario brothers (finally) can change direction in mid-air.

2. Madou Monogatari--This is the other "holy grail" PC Engine game I eluded to in my last post. Unlike the first one, this one is a CD-based dungeon-crawler that stars a doe-eyed little girl and a slew of characters that later appeared in Compile's Puyo Puyo series. The only reasons I haven't already acquired a copy of Madou Monogatari: It's awfully expensive (copies go for well over $100 on eBay, plus it requires an Arcade Card, which tends to go for about $40) and it's entirely in Japanese.

Monday, May 02, 2011

My Pier Solar replacement cartridge has arrived!

Actually, it arrived on Saturday, but since I rarely publish posts on the weekend this is the first chance I've had to say anything about it.

I hate to say this, but I wasn't all that sure the guys at WaterMelon were going to keep their word and send me a replacement cart. A part of me thought I had been scammed, although in retrospect I guess that was kind of a silly thought to have considering I did receive the professionally produced case and manual.

As for when I'm finally going to be able to play this homebrew RPG, well, that'll probably have to wait until I can get my parents to ship me my Genesis or until I buy a Sega CDX (a sexy little system that I've wanted for quite some time).

For more information on Pier Solar, read this post or this post--or go to the game's official site, where you can order a copy, too, if you so choose.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Well, this sucks ...

Shortly after publishing this post earlier this year, I went ahead and pre-ordered a copy of the homebrew Genesis/Mega Drive game, Pier Solar.

It arrived a few weeks ago, but I didn't open it until today because, well, I don't have a Genesis at the moment. (I own one, but it's in the closet of my childhood bedroom--which is, oh, 2,000 or so miles away from my current bedroom.)

Anyway, when I opened it this morning--so I could ogle it and snap some photos of it--this is what I found:

Case? Check. Manual? Check. Poster and stickers? Check? Pier Solar cartridge? Er. Uh. Well...

I just contacted the folks at WaterMelon, the game's developer/publisher, so hopefully they'll respond shortly and either offer to send me a replacement or give me a refund.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

The best 16-bit RPG you've never played, eh?

That's what one person over on is calling Pier Solar, a Genesis/Mega Drive RPG (recently) created by a team of coders that go by the name of WaterMelon Development.

According to the game's official website, it began life (in 2004) as a homebrew mini-game. Eventually, its developers decided to turn it into a full-fledged RPG in the vein of Chrono TriggerFinal Fantasy VI and Phantasy Star IV.

Another likely source of inspiration: Game Arts' Lunar series, as evidenced in the following video (especially the battle scene, which begins around the 4:45 mark):

Copies of Pier Solar can be pre-ordered here for $45. (Check out this discussion thread at for more information on this intriguing game.)