Showing posts with label Pepto-Bismol pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pepto-Bismol pink. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dear Nintendo: bring the hot pink 3DS XL to the US and I promise I'll buy it to replace my OG 3DS

I know I've said this before on Twitter, and I may have said it here as well, but I'm going to say it again anyway just in case putting it out there two or three or four times actually makes some sort of difference: I really hope Nintendo brings the hot pink 3DS XL to North America sometime next year. (The earlier in the year, the better, of course.)

Why? I want to buy one so I can replace my red OG 3DS.

Yes, I already have one of the pink-and-white 3DS XLs that were released last winter. I'm not willing to transfer the games and info currently taking up space on my OG 3DS onto that XL, though, so my only option--since I vastly prefer the XL's huge screens to the OG's puny ones--is to pick up another XL.

And if I'm going to buy another XL, it has to be one of the hot pink--or maybe I should call it Pepto-Bismol pink--ones that first saw the light of day in Europe earlier this year.

If any of you are similarly jonesing for this assertively hued 3DS, by the way, you may want to check out the rather fabulous photos blogger Sparkly Vodka published this summer.