Showing posts with label PS Minis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PS Minis. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

FYI: Wizorb is now available via PSN

Not only that, but this "retro-flavored Breakout clone with a dash of RPG folded into it" is playable on PS3, PSP and Vita, as far as I'm aware.

I know for sure that it's playable on PSP, though, since I just bought it. Yes, that means I now own four "copies" of Wizorb--one each for my Mac, PC, PSP and Xbox 360.

A word of warning to those of you who are about to race to your PSPs and download this puppy: A bit of "frame-rate chug" weaseled its way into this particular version.

It doesn't ruin the experience--or at least it hasn't yet ruined it for me--but it is noticeable, not to mention a tad annoying, especially if you've spent some time with the Mac, PC or Xbox 360 releases.

Hopefully no such "chug" rears its ugly head while playing the game on a PS3 or Vita. Since I don't own either of those systems, though, I currently can't tell you if that's the case or not.

See also: 'A somewhat gay review of Wizorb (PC and XBLIG)' and 'Ten questions with the guys who created Wizorb'

Monday, May 28, 2012

Cyrus and his magic rod are coming to PS3, PSP and Vita

OK, so the header above is a bit childish. Sorry about that. I have a good reason for coming up with and using it, though--with that reason being that I wanted this post to grab the attention of as many people as possible.

Why is that? Well, it's because this post is about Wizorb, a game that I believe has not received nearly enough attention since it was released last September.

As for why I'm writing about it again (yeah, I've written about it a few times already): This Breakout-with-a-smidge-of-RPG is going to be made available to PS3, PSP and Vita owers--as a PS Mini--sometime this June.

Oh, and according to the fine gents at, this version of Wizorb will be sold for the entirely reasonable (in my opinion) price of $3.99.

News flash (or maybe not, given all the love I've showered onto this title thus far): I'll be picking this up day one, despite the fact that I already have copies of Wizorb sitting on my Xbox 360, PC and (I think) Mac.
