Showing posts with label Ogre Battle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ogre Battle. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Part of me likes what I'm seeing in this trailer for Square Enix's Final Fantasy Tactics S while the other part hates that I like it

So, the folks at Square Enix released a teaser trailer for Final Fantasy Tactics S, a free-to-play (Japanese) Mobage title, yesterday.

To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure what's going on in said trailer, which can be seen below.

That said, it seems it plays more like Ogre Battle than any of the company's previous Final Fantasy Tactics titles--which would be fine with me if the game weren't receiving reviews like the ones that have been published on NeoGAF so far.

For a bit more information on Final Fantasy Tactics S, by the way, check out this educational post over at Shinju Forest.