Showing posts with label New Leaf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Leaf. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014

My 3DS XL will soon sport one (or more) of these adorable Animal Crossing menu themes

Word on the street is that the handful of Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3DS menu themes that have been available in Japan for some time now will be brought to the European and North American eShops this week.

That's music to my ears, as I've been clamoring for the Sable Able one (below) since I first became aware of it.

Later, I'll pick up the "Isabelle in Town Hall" (below) and "Timmy and Tommy Nook" ones, too.

To see (and hear) the rest of this batch of 3DS menu themes in action, check out this video (for the "Bulletin Board" one) and this video ("Mabel Able").

Are any of you planning to add one or more of the above themes to your 3DS systems in the coming days? If so, which ones? And if not, have you bought--or are you considering buying--any of the other menu themes that have been made available so far?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Is it too early for me to post QR codes of Animal Crossing: New Leaf Christmas sweater designs?

I know the answer's a resounding yes, but I'm going to share them here anyway. After all, winter and its related holidays are just around the corner, so even if now isn't the time, it will be soon enough.

Not all of the following QR codes (you'll likely want to click and enlarge them before scanning) are of Christmas sweater designs, by the way. One is simply a long-sleeved shirt, one is a sweatshirt and one is a short-sleeved dress. I also made an autumnal coat that could be worn by those who turn their noses up at tacky holiday clothing.

The "Santa KK sweater" above is my favorite of the designs I conjured up, of course. It's also by far the most elaborate.

The candy cane sweater, on the other hand, is quite a bit more subdued, although its red-and-white piping gives it a smidge of seasonal whimsy.

You can't have winter garments without one of them being branded with a snowman, right? The one above does double duty by also featuring s pair of gaudily wrapped presents.

Here we have a rather plain sweater that's been perked up with a prettily decorated tree. (Note: this is the one I most want my villagers to wear in the coming handful of weeks.)

The wreath sweater above caused you to nod off, didn't it? Don't lie. I understand. Really, I only made this one to better cover both the color and holiday spectrum.

I made the "Xmas tree dress" above, though, for Aino, the mayor of my main New Leaf town. She hasn't worn it yet, but you can bet your butt she will right after the first snowfall hits the ground in Animachi.

Finally, we have the autumnal coat I mentioned at the start of this post. It would look rather classy paired with a brown beret, don't you think? And maybe some colorful pumps?

Have any of you designed any festive clothes for the upcoming holidays? If so, feel free to share links to photos or QR codes of them in the comments section below.

See also: previous posts featuring Animal Crossing: New Leaf QR codes

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't mind me, I've just gone Animal Crossing crazy (again)

I don't know about you, but all of this talk about Animal Crossing: New Leaf--or Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori, for those playing the just-released Japanese version--has me feeling a little, well, crazy.

What talk, you ask? For starters, there are blog posts like Chic Pixel's "Initial Animal Crossing: New Leaf Impressions" and "Gratuitous Animal Crossing 3DS LL/XL Photo Shoot"--both of which I've read and re-read more times than I'd prefer to admit over the last few days.

And then there's the spate of ads and promo videos that have been released in the wake of the Japanese iteration's release on Nov. 8. My favorite so far:

As for how I've been trying to quell this bout of Animal Crossing craziness: Would you believe I decided late last week to start a new town in the GameCube-based original?

My wide-eyed character, Mimi, is still getting a feel for the burgh she now calls home--Miminton, whose name was inspired by the import-only Wii game, Captain Rainbow--but I think both she and I will settle in soon enough. I just hope I don't settle in to the extent I did the last time I played it--as that experience lasted 80 hours (or more) and at least eight months.

Are any of you chomping at the bit to get your hands on this 3DS game? If so, has that desire caused you to make a return trip to the towns you created in the first Animal Crossing or in Wild World or City Folk?