Showing posts with label Monster World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monster World. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dustin' off my Xbox 360 due to Fez, Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World and Spelunky

You know how people used to love to say (usually on nerdy Internet forums), "Guess it's time I dusted off my Wii!" every time an interesting game was announced or released for Nintendo's latest console?

Well, I say the same thing every time an interesting game hits Microsoft's XBLA or XBLIG services.

The fact is, I don't turn on my Xbox 360 all that often. In part that's because the system is in our basement (lame reason, I know, but it's cold and dark down there!), and in part it's because I just don't have much interest in it or its games these days.

My Xbox 360 won't be dusty for much longer, though, thanks to the digital trifecta that is FezSega Vintage Collection: Monster World and Spelunky.

Oddly, I've only bought (and barely played--surprise, surprise!) the most recent of these releases--that being Spelunky--thus far. Mark my words, though: Both Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World and Fez will follow suit later this week.

Have any of you played one or more of the above-mentioned titles? If so, what did you think of them?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I guess it's time to dust off my Xbox 360

Sorry, I couldn't help myself while coming up with the headline above--which is my tongue-in-cheek take on the old chestnut that used to escape the lips of many a "hardcore gamer" in regards to the Wii (as in: "Hey, Super Mario Galaxy will be out soon. I guess it's time to dust off my Wii!").

So, why am I saying something similar about my Xbox 360? For starters, I'm saying it because the last game I played on my big, black, bulky, Microsoft-branded box was ... Wizorb? Or was it Escape Goat? Regardless, it's been a while since I've booted it up.

I'm also saying it, though, because a rather awesome game is going to be released via the system's XBLA service soon. Which awesome game, you ask? SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World.

Said collection, which has a tentative release date of April 25 (I'll believe it when I see it, honestly), will include a trio of Monster World/Wonder Boy titles: Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and Monster World IV.

Among the many reasons I'm excited about this rather surprising development: This will be the first time English-speaking audiences will be able to understand what's going on while playing the previously Japan-only Monster World IV. Also, each game in the collection will feature achievements, leaderboards and trial modes.

Will any of you be purchasing SEGA Vintage Collection: Monster World upon release (or shortly afterward)? If so, which of these classic platformers are you planning to play first?