Showing posts with label Mizzurna Falls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mizzurna Falls. Show all posts

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Nice Package! (Mizzurna Falls, PlayStation)

I've been obsessed with Mizzurna Falls since I first read an article about it on the now-defunct Eastern Mind blog a number of years ago.

You might think it piqued my interest because it's often described as being something of a precursor to the 2010 cult classic, Deadly Premonition. In reality, the thing that initially attracted me to Mizzurna Falls, which released in Japan (and only in Japan) in 1998, was its captivating cover art.

There's just something about its wintry landscape, and the illuminated town that's nestled among its shadowy mountains and trees, that made me want to own and play this game.

I also was drawn to its odd title and even odder subtitle (the latter being "Country of the Woods and Repose"). And then, of course, I couldn't help but find the Twin Peaks-esque story--that focuses on the mystery of a missing girl--and open-world gameplay alluring.

Another intriguing aspect of Mizzurna Falls: it was developed and published by Human Entertainment, the same company that gave the world the classic survival-horror title, Clock Tower.

Not that the two games are at all alike. Oh, Mizzurna Falls has an unsettling air about it, but I wouldn't say it ever even approaches the terrifying heights of Clock Tower.

Given the above, it shouldn't be too surprising to hear this game's instruction manual is a bit quirky. My favorite spread is the one highlighted above, which details the titular town's map.

I also like the pages near the end of Mizzurna Falls' manual, which offer up English and Japanese lyrics to the title's theme song.

For some dumb reason, I failed to take a photo of the Mizzurna Falls game disc when I snapped the others showcased here. I'd take one now, but I didn't bring the CD with me when I left Seattle early this year. (It's currently in storage--and won't be reunited with me until sometime this summer.)

I can tell you that you're not missing a whole lot. The disc basically depicts the same scene printed on the Mizzurna Falls manual cover--only in black and white rather than in color.

Oh, well, the gameplay embedded on that disc is what's important, right? And Mizzurna Falls' exploration-heavy gameplay is--or at least seems to be, I've only played a small portion of it so far--pretty special.

I'll try to share some more detailed impressions of Mizzurna Falls once I get my hands on its CD again in a month or two. At that time, I'll also scan its instruction manual and share the resulting images in a future installment of my "Manual Stimulation" series.

In the meantime, I'd highly recommend reading the Eastern Mind blog post I linked to earlier. It's more than a review; it offers up all sorts of background information and in-depth analysis that help explain why Mizzurna Falls is so impressive--especially for a 19-year-old game.

See also: previous 'Nice Package!' posts about The Adventure of Puppet PrincessMoon: Remix RPG Adventure, Ore no Shikabane o Koete Yuke and PoPoLoCrois Monogatari.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Five favorites: Japanese PlayStation box art

Of all the "retro" game systems I currently collect, the one about which I'm the least knowledgable is the original PlayStation--especially when it comes to the subject of Japanese cover art that was produced for that groundbreaking console.

Still, I think I've come across enough examples of the above to publish a post such as this.

Should you have any favorites that aren't highlighted here, though, by all means let me know about them in the comments section below.

Boku no Natsuyasumi--To be perfectly frank, I'd like this particular piece of box art a lot more if it ditched the English text and even the "contrail" logo that takes up a smidge of space in the lower-right corner. Even in its current state, though, I'm pretty darn smitten with it and the cheery, nostalgic vibe it gives off to viewers.

Eldergate--There are a bunch of Konami-made PlayStation covers that could be mentioned here, but I'm going with Eldergate's because it features a sumptuously colored--and not at all clichéd, which can't be said of many of its counterparts, especially today--illustration.

Mad Panic Coaster--Could you describe this selection as a bit garish? Yes, I suppose you could. It's long been a favorite of mine regardless, though, due to its unique layout--it takes the eye a few seconds to recognize the roller-coaster car along the bottom edge--and bold use of color. (Although I wouldn't have complained if the logo had been made a bit smaller.)

Mizzurna Falls--Here's another piece of cover art that I've been a fan of since I first laid eyes on it (while perusing this review at There's something so ... moody about it that really appeals to me. Plus, it features snow-covered mountains, which always earns an approving nod from me.

PoPoLoCrois Monogatari--This is the perfect way to portray an RPG's contents on its box art, if you ask me. We've got dragons (two of them, I think), a varied party of adventurers (the dudes and the dudette situated between the dragons) and dramatic dose of magic--unless, of course, that orb is something other than a "wall" or "protect" spell.

Add in the abundance of color and clean composition and you've got yourself one attractive cover illustration. In my opinion, of course.

See also: 'Five favorites: Japanese DS box art,' 'Five favorites: Japanese PSP box art' and 'Five favorites: Japanese Wii box art'

Thursday, January 27, 2011

'Country of the woods and repose'

Few things make me giddier as a gamer than unearthing a long-lost gem.

The focus of my last post, Engacho!, is a good example of that, as is the following (artsy and awkward subtitle aside, of course):

As far as I can tell, Mizzurna Falls, released (in Japan) at the end of 1998 for the original PlayStation, is a Twin Peaks-esque action-adventure title that precedes open-world sandboxers like Shenmue.

Although it looks more than a bit rough in the following video, blogger Bruno de Figueiredo (of assures it is anything but.

"This title raises the degree of interaction to a level which would only be fully achieved a generation later," de Figueiredo says of Mizzurna Falls in a recent post.

It's doubtful I'll ever play this oddly titled game, given the language barrier, but who knows? Maybe I'll pick it up on the cheap at some point down the line and stumble my way through it.
