Showing posts with label Mathilda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathilda. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mimi's Adventures in Miminton, Part 5 (or, yes, I'm still obsessively playing the soap opera otherwise known as Animal Crossing)

Although it's been a while since we last checked in on Mimi, Momo, Mumu and their lovely pal in the next town over, Leelee, not much has changed in either Miminton or Loompala.

For instance, the majority of the animals that call the above-mentioned hamlets home continue to harangue their human counterparts whenever and wherever they feel like it.

In the case of new-to-Miminton neighbor Snake, though, such negativity often is overlooked.

Tangy, below, also tends to get a pass thanks to the dimwittedness that's nearly as prevalent as her bitchiness.

Speaking of Tangy, she recently introduced Mimi and her minions to the wonderful world of wintertime igloos.

She also introduced them to the matchless joy that is making snowmen.

Momo, below, in particular can't get enough of the frigid figures--as evidenced by her showman garb and furniture.

Although most of Miminton's residents enjoy encountering a snowman around every bend, Freckles, below, isn't one of them. Unfortunately, everyone's favorite oddly coifed duck took out her frustrations on Leelee when she paid the burg a visit early in the month.

Actually, Leelee was lucky to get away with just a spit-drenched face and outfit. Her pal Momo, below, wasn't so fortunate. (Yes, Freckles punched her in the kisser--as she was putting the finishing touches on her 115th snowman of the season.)

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Mimi's Adventures in Miminton, Part 4

In the last installment of "Mimi's Adventures in Miminton," I promised that this installment would focus on a pot fiend moving into the 'hood, Mimi inappropriately touching Freya, Mumu and Leelee showing off their letter-writing prowess and "Operation Get Mathilda To Move Out of Town" beginning in earnest.

Before I get to all of those things, though, I have to shine a light this little bon mot from dear old Cookie, who, as seems to be the case for all Animal Crossing villagers Mimi and her pals take a shine to, has since moved to another town:

Shortly after Cookie ranted to Mimi about Redd, Freya accosted her about being a creep. OK, so the whole affair was a bit less dramatic than I originally made it out to be, but what did you expect--to see Freya whack Mimi over the head with a frying pan? Actually, that would've been pretty cool...

As for the aforementioned "pot fiend," may I present Miminton's newest resident: Claude the rabbit.

Mimi's first run-in with Claude made her think it was possible he had a fondness for hash, but her second run-in with him sealed the deal.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mimi's Adventures in Miminton, Part 3

Let it be known that winter is my, er, Mimi's favorite season. Why? Snow, of course.

As such, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say Dec. 10 was, thus far, one of the best days of 2013 for ol' Mimi--since that's when Miminton finally found itself blanketed with the stuff that's scientifically known as flakes of crystalline water ice.

As you'd expect, Mimi made the most of her hometown's first wintry day. After wildly racing around for a bit and sliding head-first into the sign in the screenshot below (hence Mimi's more-buggy-than-usual eyes), though, she settled down and returned to her favorite of her daily chores: that being the digging up of bells, fossils and gyroids.

Speaking of the digging up of bells: Mimi really hit the jackpot on Miminton's first official day of winter. (Serious question: Have any of you dug up 30,000 bells before? I didn't even know it was possible before this occurrence.)

Her pal Mumu was pretty lucky that day, too--although her luck was a smidge less lucrative than Mimi's.

Anyway, enough about luck and money and all that jazz. We're supposed to be talking about Mimi and Momo and Mumu--OK, and sometimes Leelee, too (note to self: you have way too many Animal Crossing characters)--and their wonderful lives in Miminton, right?