Showing posts with label Mark III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark III. Show all posts

Monday, June 06, 2016

Also in honor of Sega's 56th anniversary, let's rank and review (some of) its game consoles

As you should have heard by now (I mentioned it in my very last post, after all), last Friday marked the 56th anniversary of Sega's existence as a maker of video games.

In the write-up mentioned above, I discussed five of my favorite titles that were produced for Sega's most popular game systems. Today, I'm discussing--ranking, actually--the systems themselves.

Note: I'm leaving out the company's first two consoles, the SG-1000 and the SG-1000 II, because I have very little (if any) experience with them.

5. Master System--Full disclosure: of all the Sega systems I've spent time with over the years, this is the one I've played the least. Still, I know it well enough to comment on it. Anyway, why am I saying this is my least favorite of the company's many hardware releases? A big reason is that, in my opinion, the Master System--known as the Mark III in Japan--has the least appealing games catalog of all the products included in this post. Some gems were made for it, no question, but they are fewer in number than the gems made for the Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast or even Game Gear, if you ask me. Also, although technically the Master System was more capable than its main competitor (the Famicom or NES), it mattered little in the face of the aforementioned library and the console's poorly designed controller.

4. Saturn--I'm sure some folks will raise a judgmental eyebrow in response to my decision to place the much-loved Saturn behind the much-maligned Game Gear. Don't get me wrong, I adore the Saturn with every ounce of my being. That said, at the moment my list of beloved Game Gear titles is longer than my corresponding list of Saturn titles. Also, this system is a bit of a mess internally. Its two-dimensional, sprite-based games are among the best to see the light of day, but its three-dimensional, polygon-filled ones are among the 32-bit generation's worst. Thankfully, the physical product, and that includes the Japanese controller, is a sight to behold--though I wouldn't have minded if Sega had shaved some fat off of it over time.

3. Game Gear--The same could be said of Sega's first handheld, of course. Still, the Game Gear's general design (ignoring its girth) is stellar--or it was for its time. It looks like something that plays video games--and I say that in the most positive way, of course. Although I love sleek-looking systems, I also like ones that appear toylike. In fact, the red, blue and (especially) yellow Game Gears that hit store shelves in various regions back in the day are among my most-coveted pieces of gaming hardware. Anyway, aside from all of the above, a few of this portable's other thumbs-up-worthy attributes are its Master System-esque chipset and its shockingly adroit software selection.

2. Dreamcast--It's fitting, I think, that the Sega's best designed system was its last. And when I say "best designed" I'm talking both about its look and shape as well as its internal architecture. Consider that the Dreamcast was an absolute beast in terms of power when it was released, yet it also was one of the smallest consoles ever to hit the streets. Admittedly, the thing can be loud as hell while playing a game, but that's a small price to pay in order to experience titles like Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi and ChuChu Rocket! The only criticisms I can aim at this particular piece of hardware are that its library of games is smaller than that of pretty much every other Sega system and that it was discontinued after spending less than three years on the market.

1. Genesis--I've got to be honest: I wasn't all that keen on Sega's entry in the 16-bit console wars when it was first unveiled. At the time, I found the SNES and TurboGrafx-16 (or PC Engine and Super Famicom) far more interesting. What prompted me to change my mind about this hunk of plastic and its lineup of boxy black cartridges? The 1993 North American release of the original Shining Force. It so enraptured me that I regularly used my allowance to rent both it and a Sega CDX from the local grocery store. Later carts and CDs--Shining Force II, Lunar: The Silver Star and Gunstar Heroes among them--similarly attracted my attention. Combine the Genesis' eye-popping games catalog with its iconic hardware designs and gorgeous-yet-functional six-button controller and it should be easy to see why it's my favorite of all of Sega's wonderful systems.

How do you feel about this Tokyo-based company's numerous hardware offerings? Share your thoughts, opinions and memories in the comments section below.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Raise your hand if you, too, are stoked that Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 is being prepped for 3DS

If you heard something that sounded like a squeal of delight yesterday, it probably came from me.

Even if it what you heard wasn't me, I can guarantee you I made a whole slew of "happy noises" upon hearing that a second Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives is in the works (and will hit Japanese store shelves on Dec. 23).

Granted, I've yet to even stick my copy of the first Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives compilation, which was released in the Land of the Rising Sun late last year, into my import 3DS LL system, but that doesn't mean I can't be stoked about its sequel.

Actually, I'd be frothing-at-the-mouth excited about Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 even if I didn't own the original Fukkoku Archives thanks to its meaty lineup of games: Altered BeastFantasy Zone II DX, Galaxy Force II, Power Drift, Puyo Puyo 2, Sonic the Hedgehog and Thunder Blade.

As of now, the "3D Classics" versions of Power Drift and Puyo Puyo 2 included here will be exclusive to this offering--although I have to imagine they'll receive a broader eShop release at some point down the road.

Also exclusive to Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2: three-dimensional updates of two old Master System (or Sega Mark III, if that's how you roll) titles, Fantasy Zone II and Maze Walker.

Initially I was a bit disappointed to learn that this second collection won't include the just-out 3D Gunstar Heroes, but then it hit me that its MIA status probably means a Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 3 is more likely than not.

If you'd like to check out a few screenshots of the Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 versions of Power Drift and Puyo Puyo 2, by the way, head on over to

Update: amiami is now taking pre-orders for Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2. The price is 4,220 yen, which equals about $35. (Oh, and in case you're wondering, yes, I've already put myself down for a copy.)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy belated 30th birthday, Nintendo Famicom and Sega SG-1000!

Did you know that both Nintendo's Famicom and Sega's SG-1000 (the precursor to the Sega Mark III, aka the system North Americans know as the Master System) were released in Japan on the very same day all the way back in July 15, 1983?

I didn't--until I came across the following, charmingly minimalistic illustrations over the weekend.

Both were made by German graphic designer and artist, Barto, by the way.

To see more examples of his work, much of which is related to gaming, check out his website,, as well as his Flickr photostream and his YouTube channel.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Reason #396 I could be considered an 'eccentric' (aka bat-sh*t crazy) gamer

How's this for eccentric (or bat-shit crazy, if that's the terminology you prefer)? Not only am I a self-proclaimed "box-art whore"--as in, I buy, or at least I want to buy, certain games simply because of the art that graces their box covers--but I'm a box-art whore who often finds himself desiring games that he can't possibly play (because I don't own the systems that are needed to play them).

Here are a few recent examples:

Fantasy Zone II for the Mark III

Panorama Cotton for the Mega Drive

Rainbow Islands Extra for the FM Towns

Yume Meikyū Kigurumi Daibōken (aka Dream Maze) for the Super Famicom

I also really want to buy copies of Bubble Bobble for the FM Towns (cover art shown in this recent post) and Puzzle Bobble Mini for the Neo Geo Pocket (cover art shown in this post).

I can't be the only gamers who thinks this way, can I?