Showing posts with label Mario Tennis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mario Tennis. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Five additional games I'm looking forward to playing in 2012

If you failed to see yesterday's post--which covered the first five (of 10) games that I'm looking forward to playing in 2012--check it out here.

For those of you who read (if not thoroughly enjoyed) that post, here are the final five games I'm hoping to get my grubby little hands on at some point in the next 12 months:

Mario Tennis (3DS)--I've mentioned before that I'm a tennis nut, right? If not, now you know. I'm also a huge fan of Nintendo's Mario Tennis games--especially its portable ones. The 3DS iteration looks to be the best of both worlds: It's got the great graphics of the console versions and the take-it-anywhere fun of the handheld versions. Will it have an RPG mode, too? My fingers and toes are crossed in the hopes that it will.

Ni no Kuni (PS3)--The Japanese version of this Level-5 RPG--made in partnership with the folks at Studio Ghibli--bombed and reviews of it weren't much better, but you know what? I'll probably buy the North American version regardless shortly after I finally obtain a PS3 (hopefully sometime in 2012). It simply looks too good to pass up, even if it ends up being a bit of a bore.

Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii)--In all honesty, this may be the game I'm most looking forward to playing in 2012. Why? I enjoyed the hell out of its predecessors--the import-only original, made for the GameBoy Advance, and its DS-based sequel, released in 2009--and I'm fully expecting to love the hell out of this one, too, especially since it takes the series back to its roots and uses buttons only (as opposed to waggle).

Sugar Shooter 2 (Mac/PC)--I've never had as much fun shooting the clothes off of a muscle-bound baddies as I did while playing the original Sugar Shooter last year. As such, I'm chomping at the bit to do more of the same as soon as this sequel--which will be made available to Mac as well as PC owners this time around--hits the streets (or at least the Internet) sometime next year.

Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)--Can you believe this open-world RPG will be coming to North America in 2012? I can't. I'm glad it is, though, as I desperately want to play it. Don't tell anyone, but this will be my first Monolith Soft-developed game. Yep, that means I've never played any of the Baten Kaitos (GameCube) or Xenosaga (PS2) titles. Just proves there's a first time for everything, eh?

Now that I've rambled on (and on and on) about the games I'm itching to play in 2012, which ones are all of you looking forward to experiencing in the coming year?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

My sequel-laden 3DS wish list

We're less than a year into the 3DS' life, and already number of high-profile sequels have been announced (if not released) for Nintendo's latest handheld system. Among them: Animal Crossing 3DS, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7, Monster Hunter 3G (and 4), Paper Mario 3DS and Resident Evil: Revelations.

Without sounding ungrateful, I want more. Specifically, I want the following sequels to be announced and released for the 3DS before the system expires, as game systems are wont to do, at the ripe old age of five or six.

I wouldn't be surprised if Dragon Quest XI looked a bit like this.

1. Dragon Quest XI--Having not played a Dragon Quest game since the first one, I picked up Dragon Quest IX with equal amounts of caution and curiosity. That won't be the case should the series' next entry be announced for the 3DS, though, since, in the end, the DS iteration completely blew me away. I can only imagine how great a portable part XI could be thanks to the 3DS' enhanced graphics and online capabilities.

Imagine experiencing Endless Ocean's cool waters in 3D.

2. Endless Ocean 3--I've said it before and I'll say it again: The original Endless Ocean is one of my favorite Wii titles thanks to its beautiful graphics, haunting soundtrack and immersive gameplay. (Sadly, I've yet to play the sequel.) As such, if the same team made a third Endless Ocean game for the 3DS, I'd not only order a copy for myself at the earliest opportunity but I'd also order a copy for every 3DS owner I know--or at least I would if I could afford it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five reasons I'll definitely be buying a 3DS in 2012 (if not before)

Until last night's Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011, I was bound and determined to hold off on buying a 3DS until Kyoto-based company released a DS Lite-esque redesign.

Although I still may play that agonizing waiting game, I think it's more likely than ever that I'll buy a 3DS before then thanks to the following announcements that were made during last night's conference:

1. Bravely Default: Flying Fairy--Yes, the title of this Square Enix game is absurd. Who cares, though, when it looks so amazing? (Go here to check out a few screenshots and a pair of trailers of the game.) Really, it seems this game could (should?) have been called Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light 2--which means I'm going to be on it like white on rice.

2. A new Fire Emblem--I have to admit, it's been a long time since I've played a Fire Emblem title. That didn't stop me from cheering when this game was mentioned during last night's conference, though. Both the battle and overworld graphics--highlighted in the title's "debut trailer"--look pretty darn great, don't you think?

3. A Girls Mode (aka Style Savvy) sequel--I've yet to play Nintendo's fashion-focused DS title, Style Savvy, but I've read enough positive reviews of it to know that it's worth checking out regardless of your gender or sexual orientation. As such, I'm very much hoping this sequel follows in its predecessor's footsteps and makes its way to North America sooner rather than later.

4. Mario Tennis--Along with Fire Emblem, this game was the surprise of the Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011 for me. After overlooking the Mario Tennis series during the DS and Wii "eras," I thought Nintendo had given up on it. Although I hope this installment includes an RPG-ish mode just like the series' previous portable iterations, I'll buy it even if it doesn't.

5. "Misty Pink" 3DS system--All of the handheld systems I've ever owned have been either black (GameBoy Advance SP and PSP), grey (GameBoy) or white (DS Lite). As such, I'd love to add a bit of color to my handheld collection. Buying a pink 3DS would be a great way to do that, don't you think? Now Nintendo just has to give it a North American release date. (It'll be released in Japan on Oct. 20.)

Three additional titles that could push me to buy a 3DS before the inevitable redesign: Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Paper Mario, all of which will be released in (early?) 2012.

For more information on the accessories, games and systems that were announced and/or discussed during last night's Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011, check out's coverage of the event here.