Showing posts with label Magnetica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnetica. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Although I need another 3DS game like I need an extra hole in the head ...

... I'm still considering picking up Nintendo's Tokyo Crash Mobs, which hit the 3DS eShop this past Thursday.

Why? I tend to like puzzlers, for starters. Also, I've barely spent any time with the Magnetica/Puzzloop series on which Tokyo Crash Mobs seems to be based.

Oh, and then there are Grace's "bitch stare" and Savannah's "hair twirl" that can be seen near the beginning of the video above. (A proper trailer for the game can be seen here, by the way.)

Have any of you picked up this $6.99 title since its release? If so, what do you think of it so far? Also, would you recommend I follow in your footsteps sometime soon, or should I steer clear of it?
