Showing posts with label Macaron Reversi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Macaron Reversi. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Macaron Reversi

Now here's a game that's sure to stay in the Land of the Rising Sun: A portable rendition of Reversi played with macarons, the crispy, chewy confections made famous by French pâtisserie Ladurée.

Japanese PSP (and, likely, PS3) owners won't have to empty their piggy banks to pick up the pastel-plastered title when it's released on May 13, though--all they'll have to part ways with is ¥300 (a little over $3).

Why will it be so cheap--I mean, besides the obvious (we're talking about Reversi played with macarons, after all)? Well, Macaron Reversi is going to be one of a handful of titles that will help launch Sony's "PSP Minis" line of games in that territory.
