Showing posts with label Lucky1988. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucky1988. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

'Ancient Egyptian Plumber'

Mario-inspired t-shirt designs pop up with such regularity these days that most folks probably stopped caring about them long ago.

It's hard not to care about a well-produced Mario-inspired t-shirt design, though, and in my humble opinion the one below (and here) fits rather snugly within that category.

The quality of this particular design, titled "Ancient Egyptian Plumber," isn't all that surprising once you realize it was produced by the Los Angeles-based artist who answers to both "herky" and "Lucky1988."

Another reason to like herky's/Lucky1988's creation: The tongue-in-cheek article that promotes it over at

CAIRO, Egypt – An illustrated tapestry recently unearthed here seems to suggest that plumbing, long believed to be a primarily Roman invention, may in fact have originated in ancient Egypt.  

Depicting a leaping figure wearing boots, a cap, and a form of ancient Egyptian overalls, the illustration indicates that Egypt can claim credit for the now-iconic plumber archetype.  

“It’s remarkable how contemporary the plumber figure looks,” says Prof. Martin Etcharles of the University of Shigeru. “It looks like something that could have been drawn in the early 1980s in Japan.”

The tapestry is believed to date from the reign of Pharaoh Bowserkhamun III, during the so-called Mushroom Dynasty. Etcharles says that the whole field of plumbing archaeology has been electrified by the discovery.  

“Of course, there’s always the possibility we’re getting too fixated on this plumber character,” he says. “But we wouldn’t be the first to do that.”

Cream-colored tees featuring this "Ancient Egyptian Plumber" can be picked up here for $15, while "natural" totes can be bought here for $12. Both are only available until Saturday, May 26, so get your butt over to pronto if you want one.

See also: More of Lucky1988's designs

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Mario's Panic Restaurant

You know what? I'd love it if Nintendo made a game that somehow combined its Mario Bros. series with Taito's kitchen-centric platformer, Panic Restaurant.

I can't see the company brass green-lighting a full-fledged release based on that premise, but maybe they would find a downloadable one (sold through the eShop, for instance) a bit more palatable?

As for what prompted this epicurean epiphany: I just stumbled across the following t-shirt design, produced by Los Angeles-based artist herky (aka Flickr user Lucky1988):

If you find this design--called "Trouble in the Kitchen of the Ristorante"--to be as delicious as I do, cast a vote in favor of it at between now and next Thursday at noon.

See also: More of Lucky1988's designs

Friday, October 14, 2011

Super Capybario

Question: What do you get when you put a hat, mustache and overalls on one of those South American rodents known as capybaras?

Answer: You get Super Capybario. Duh!

He's by far the cutest (in my opinion, of course) of the "famous mustached animals" included in the following t-shirt design, created by Los Angeles-based artist herky (aka Flickr user Lucky1988):

If you'd like to own a shirt bearing herky's hella-cute design, head on over to and vote on it in the next three days.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another day, another Super Mario Bros. t-shirt

Does the t-shirt design below look familiar to you? It should--if you've been visiting this blog for a while. After all, I mentioned it three months ago (in this post) when it was up for a vote on

Although it seems like the folks at Threadless have decided to pass on the design, the folks at TeeFury have not. In fact, light-blue tees bearing the design above--produced by Los Angeles-based artist herky, aka Flickr user Lucky1988--are being sold (for just $10) as we speak.

TeeFury shirts are only sold for 24 hours, so if the idea of owning and wearing a tee featuring a Ski-Doo-riding Blooper and a surfing Bullet Bill tickles your fancy, get your butt over to pronto.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Someone just *has* to turn this into game

"This," by the way, is the illustration below. It's called "Hadoucat!" and was created by artist Lucky1988 (who kindly shared it with the world via his/her Flickr photostream earlier this week).

If nothing else, I'd love to see the cat sprite used in some sort of Bubble Bobble clone. (In a perfect world, the person creating said game would copy the gameplay of Chip Chan Kick, a treasure of a PC-FX title that features cute little girls who stun enemies with what look like Puyo Puyo blobs before kicking them into the hereafter.)

Somewhat random aside: Lucky1988's image was in the running to appear on a t-shirt via, but it was rejected for being "off topic." Pshaw, I say!

See also: 'Super Maui-o Bros.'

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Super Maui-o Bros.

I don't know what the weather is like in your neck of the woods, but here in Seattle it's cloudy and cool and summer seems to be at least a month (if not more) away.

As such, I'm finding myself attracted to anything and everything that makes me think of the sun and warmth these days--which may explain my excited reaction upon seeing the t-shirt design below this morning.  

Besides the setting, my favorite aspects of the design above--called "Super Maui-O!" and created by Flickr user Lucky1988--are the Blooper riding the Ski-Doo in the upper-right corner, the surfing Bullet Bill to the left of the flip-flop-sporting Mario and the Toad squeezing sunscreen on the toothy Goomba in the center of the illustration.

If you'd like to own a t-shirt bearing this design, vote on it in the next seven days at

Friday, November 12, 2010

'It's not so bad in here'

Thanks to the vivid imagination of illustrator Keith Kuniyuki (aka Lucky1988), all of us old-school gamers *finally* get to see what happens after Pac-Man gobbles up a ghost or a piece of fruit.

For more of Kuniyuki's designs, check out his Flickr photostream.