Showing posts with label Kirby 3DS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirby 3DS. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Let's take a moment to bask in the beauty and brilliance that is Kirby: Triple Deluxe's trailer

I know what some of you are thinking: How about we bask in the brilliance that is Super Mario 3D World's latest trailer?

Well, yes, I think that would be a worthy endeavor, too, but everyone and his or her mother (OK, maybe that's pushing it) already are raving about the shiny new Super Mario 3D World trailer that was included in yesterday's trio of Nintendo Direct broadcasts, so I thought I'd focus on the trailer that was shown for the upcoming 3DS game that's currently known as Kirby: Triple Deluxe instead.

Here's the trailer, in case any of you have yet to see it:

I'm sure some will say Kirby: Triple Deluxe looks a bit too similar to Kirby's Return to Dream Land, which hit the Wii back in 2011, and I can't disagree with those statements. That said, I really liked the look of that Kirby release, so if Triple Deluxe (or whatever it winds up being called) resembles it graphically in the end, I'm more than OK with that.

At the moment, though, I do think this trailer showcases some subtle differences to the look and feel of Return to Dream Land that should even appeal to folks who got their fill of that particular kind of Kirby adventure. Case in point: this title's softer, more textured backdrops, which seem to exist somewhere between those found in Return to Dream Land and the ones that appeared in Kirby's Epic Yarn.

And then there's Kirby's ability to leap between background layers. Sure, it's been done many times before (hello, Donkey Kong Country Returns), but I've always liked that particular platforming mechanic, so I'm guessing it'll be a fun addition to Triple Deluxe, too.

Anyway, hopefully I'm not alone in looking forward to the 2014 release of this 3DS game?

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

A few brief thoughts on the latest trio of Nintendo Direct broadcasts

I don't know about you, but the very first thing I did after waking up this morning was check out the Nintendo Directs that were made available to Japanese and North American audiences a few hours ago. (I skipped the European one because I assumed it would be a rehash, more or less, of the other two.)

Anyway, here are a few brief thoughts on the above-mentioned broadcasts (watch the North American one here, and the Japanese one here):

(Sort of) surprisingly, Super Mario 3D World looks smashing--Although I wasn't all that interested in Super Mario 3D World following the game's unveiling at this year's E3, I'm pretty darn interested in it now. Some of the levels shown during today's Nintendo Direct looked absolutely stunning--and, more importantly, looked like a lot of fun, too. The question is: will I ever get my husband to play it along with me? Thankfully, I have a feeling it'll be a blast while played solo, too.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze delayed--The only news related to this Wii U title is that it's release--originally scheduled for later this year--has been pushed to February. That doesn't bother me too much, as I'm not planning on picking it up (I liked Donkey Kong Country Returns, but not enough to buy a sequel), but I know a lot of people were hoping to get their paws on it this holiday season.

The 3DS is really going to suck next year--In a good way, that is--thanks to the new Kirby game that's scheduled for release at some point in 2014. Anyway, this latest entry in the long-running Kirby series--which I believe will be called Kirby: Triple Deluxe in Japan--looks a lot like Kirby's Return to Dream Land, which is a very good thing, in my opinion. That said, I wouldn't mind at all if Nintendo announced a follow-up to Kirby's Epic Yarn for Wii U sometime next year.

Looks like I'll get my yearly dose of Daigasso! Band Brothers sooner than expected--The highlight of the Japanese Nintendo Direct (which covered a lot of the same ground as its North American counterpart) for yours truly: the news that this third entry in the Daigasso! Band Brothers series--called Daigasso! Band Brothers P--will hit the streets in its home country on Nov. 14. Unfortunately, that's about all I got out of this portion of the broadcast--although I think the major revelation here was supposed to be that folks will be able to go on line to access or download a ton of additional tunes. That aspect of the title likely will be lost on me, but that's OK--the 100 or so songs that are supposed to be included on the cart should be more than enough for me.

To those of you who also checked out one or more of this morning's Nintendo Direct broadcasts: which games stuck out at you, if any?