Showing posts with label Kirameki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirameki. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Checking in on Captain Rainbow's English translation

To all of you who forgot that someone was even working on an English fan-translation of the skip-developed, Nintendo-published oddity known as Captain Rainbow: No worries, I forgot, too.

Now that you've been reminded, though, you'd probably like to hear how things are going with said fan-translation, right?

Well, according to an update that was posted to on Jan. 15, the project is back on course after taking a couple of wrong turns over the last few months.

Along with that hopeful message, the folks at Kirameki also shared on their site a new trailer, above, which highlights some of the progress they've made in translating this fabulous (in all senses of the word) Wii title.

Here's hoping that their good fortune continues and that they can get this long-awaited (by me, at least) patch out before the Wii U replaces the Wii as my go-to console.


Monday, August 22, 2011

How could I forget about Captain Rainbow?

Did you forget that a fan translation is being created for Captain Rainbow? I sure did. Thankfully, a recent post over at GoNintendo reminded me of it.

Sadly, although it sounds as if said translation--which I believe will released as a patch, à la last year's Fatal Frame IV fan translation--is coming along nicely, it also sounds as if it won't see the light of day anytime soon.

To help make the wait more bearable, the folks at Kirameki recently uploaded the video above--which shows off their translated intro for this Skip Ltd.-developed game--to YouTube.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reason #846 to be thankful for fan translators

The folks at (along with a few "external staffers") are hard at work on a fan translation of the cult-classic Wii title, Captain Rainbow.

Once the translation is complete, a patch will be released that will work much like the one created for Fatal Frame IV (i.e., all gamers will need to play the translated version of Captain Rainbow is an original copy of the game, an SD card and the crew's patch).


See also: 'Reason #845 to be thankful for fan translators'