Showing posts with label Hadoucat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hadoucat. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Someone just *has* to turn this into game

"This," by the way, is the illustration below. It's called "Hadoucat!" and was created by artist Lucky1988 (who kindly shared it with the world via his/her Flickr photostream earlier this week).

If nothing else, I'd love to see the cat sprite used in some sort of Bubble Bobble clone. (In a perfect world, the person creating said game would copy the gameplay of Chip Chan Kick, a treasure of a PC-FX title that features cute little girls who stun enemies with what look like Puyo Puyo blobs before kicking them into the hereafter.)

Somewhat random aside: Lucky1988's image was in the running to appear on a t-shirt via, but it was rejected for being "off topic." Pshaw, I say!

See also: 'Super Maui-o Bros.'