Showing posts with label Freakyforms Deluxe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freakyforms Deluxe. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Acquisition #145: Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone (3DS)

Two weeks ago, I mentioned (in this post) that I'm eagerly looking forward to a number of 3DS games that will be released in North America before the end of the year.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is just one of those titles, of course. A few of the others: Crosswords Plus (which hit the streets on Oct. 1, actually), Freakyforms Deluxe (due out on Nov. 5) and even Style Savvy: Trendsetters (Oct. 22).

Oh, and let's not forget Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone, which also arrived on North American store shelves on Oct. 1, interestingly enough.

Did I pick up the copy seen in the photos shared here on day one? Actually, I would have, if I could have found one in any of the stores near my home. Since I couldn't, I ordered a copy from Amazon instead.

As is far too often the case these days, I've yet to put through Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone through its paces--although that has nothing to do with any kind of lack of interest in it on my part. Rather, I've just been too busy with other things (work, mainly) to pop it into my 3DS.

I promise to give it a go soon, though, and as soon as I do I'll share a few impressions (or maybe even a full-blown "Great Gaymathon" review) here.

See also: Previous 'Acquisition #123' posts

Monday, August 13, 2012

Goodbye, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon; hello, Style Savvy: Trendsetters

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Nintendo of America revealed earlier this morning that Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon won't be released in this neck of woods until "the first half of 2013."

Although that makes me all kinds of sad, I won't be shedding these salty, bitter tears for long. That's because Nintendo's North American arm also announced release dates for a number of 3DS games that will take the place of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon on store shelves between now and the end of the year.

The question is: Will some of these games also take the place of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon in our hearts and minds between now and whenever that much-anticipated (and much-delayed) title finally hits the streets?

For me, the answer is a resounding "yes." In particular, I'm planning to pick up--and thoroughly enjoy--copies of Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone! (which will be released on Oct. 1), Crosswords Plus (Oct. 1), Paper Mario: Sticker Star (Nov. 11) and Style Savvy: Trendsetters (Oct. 22).

I'll also likely pick up Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (Oct. 28) and Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! (Nov. 5), but I'm not yet sure if they'll be added to my 3DS collection this year or next.

Are any of you also planning to purchase one or more of the above-named games? If so, which ones?

Friday, June 22, 2012

I think I'm going to have to get a second job

Last night's trifecta of "Nintendo Direct" broadcasts nearly brought me to tears. The reason: They reminded me that the next 12 or so months are going to be absolutely brutal on my wallet.

Case in point: They reminded me that a new Animal Crossing game will be released sooner rather than later. (Or maybe I should say "later rather than sooner," considering Nintendo of America's current aloof attitude toward this title?)

Speaking of which, here's the latest footage of the game that will be known in Japan as Tobidase Dōbutsu no Mori:

I still scrunch up my face whenever I see this game's taller characters, by the way, but I think I'll have gotten that out of my system by the time it hits our shores.

The Japanese "Nintendo Direct" also reminded me--rather horribly, I might add--that the pseudo-successor to one of my favorite DS RPGs, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, will be released in the Land of the Rising Sun sometime later this year.

Will Bravely Default: Flying Fairy eventually see the light of day in other regions, too? I sure hope so, although I honestly wouldn't mind if it didn't hit store shelves in the States until the second half of 2013. (You know, so my bank account can recover from all of the abuse it's going to have to endure after Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and the Wii U and a number of that system's "launch window" games are released.)

A number of other upcoming 3DS releases mentioned during last night's "Nintendo Direct" broadcasts prompted me (and my credit card) to sit up and take notice, too--such as the Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers remake (trailer here), Freakyforms Deluxe (revealed during the European "Nintendo Direct") and New Art Academy (discussed in all three broadcasts).

Why Nintendo of America decided to ignore those last two titles, I'll never know. Hopefully they'll be released in all regions, though.

Last, but not least: The Japanese "Nintendo Direct" was capped off with this stunning, 11-minute look at Dragon Quest X:

Now, my wallet is quite happy knowing the Wii version of Dragon Quest X has little-to-no chance of being translated into English and sold outside of Japan, but I don't share her feelings. (Yes, my wallet is a "she.")

That said, I have high hopes that the Wii U version of this online RPG will receive the treatment it deserves (i.e., it'll be released in North America) from the folks at Square Enix and/or Nintendo.

Anyway, that's my two cents on the many titles that were talked about during last night's trio of Nintendo-sponsored events and that nearly brought me (and my bank account) to tears. What are your feelings on any or all of the above-mentioned games?

(Via and