Showing posts with label Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mimi's Adventures in Miminton, Part 2

So, here we are again. You remember Mimi and Miminton, right? If not, you may want to acquaint yourself with the first post in this series, which can be accessed here.

As I mentioned at the end of the aforementioned post, this one isn't going to focus on ol' Mimi. Instead, it's going to focus on her human compadres in Miminton.

Speaking of which, the purple-haired gal in the photo below is Mumu. She's not Mimi's sister, despite their similar names--or at least I don't think she's Mimi's sister. Anyway, her favorite thing is to spend her days (and nights) trying to catch as many Red Snappers as possible. Don't ask me why--apparently she's a bit obsessed with rosy-colored fish!

The doe-eyed gal in the following photo is Momo. Is it weird that three girls with similar names all moved into the same town? Yes, but we don't ask questions about stuff like that in Miminton, so no one knows why it happened or what it means. (You know, like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, etc.)

One thing's for sure: Momo is a bit of a snoop. Here she is spying on Freckles the duck as he heads to his semi-private toilet (upper-left corner).

She's also a chatterbox. Which is fine most of the time, but sometimes grumps like Octavian can't quite put up with it.

Ava here didn't mind Momo's blathering while she lived in Miminton (she's since moved somewhere else--and didn't leave a forwarding address). Of course, Ava's brain clearly is about as big as a grain of rice, so maybe we shouldn't consider her feelings too heavily.