Showing posts with label Formspring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Formspring. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ask me anything

I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I recently added Formspring to the "The Gay Gamer's not just on Blogger, he's also on..." section of this here blog.

In case you've never heard of or experienced it, Formspring is new-fangled, Q&A-based social-networking site. To give you a better idea of what that means, here's a question that someone--who visits this blog now and then, incidentally enough--recently posted on my Formspring "wall" (for lack of a better word): "Is there a video game that you know is terrible, but love it despite (or perhaps because of) its flaws?"

To which I responded: "I'm sure I like/love a lot of games that fit this description, but the one that immediately comes to mind is SaGa Frontier. Despite its many flaws, it's probably my favorite PS1 game."

Anyway, if you've ever wanted to ask me a serious or even silly question (gaming-related or not), get yourself a Formspring account and start following me ( Oh, and if you're not a homophobe or a stalker, you can safely assume I'll follow you back and ask you serious/silly questions now and then, too.