Showing posts with label Excitebots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excitebots. Show all posts

Friday, September 02, 2011

Let's Play: 'Which Box Art is Better?' (Excitebots edition)

Did you know that for the last two years Monster Games' wacky Wii racer, Excitebots: Trick Racing, has been a US-only title? No worries if you didn't, as it'll lose that distinction shortly thanks to the fact that it's being prepped for release in Japan.

Don't go looking for it on Japanese store shelves, though; the game, now called Excite Mou-Machine, will be offered to that country's Wii owners as a Club Nintendo bonus.

The game got more than a new name before it boarded its plane to Japan. As you'll see below, it got a new look, too. For the sake of comparison, here's the North American version's box art:

And this is the art that will grace the cover of the Japanese release:

Which one do you prefer? Personally, I prefer Excite Mou-Machine's box art, although I'm sure I'm in the minority. Don't get me wrong, I quite like Excitebots' art--mainly because it does a much better job of depicting the title's gameplay--just not as much as I like the quirky, Pokémon-esque cover of its Japanese counterpart.
