Showing posts with label Elminage Original. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elminage Original. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

And the winners of the Elminage Original (PSP/Vita) giveaway are ...

... apricotsushi, Juan Garcia and Steve Pixel.

Congratulations to each of you! Send me an e-mail (I'll share my address in the comments section below) at your convenience and in return I'll send you a code that will enable you to download UFO Interactive's Elminage Original from the PSN store.

Sorry for taking so long to announce the winners, by the way. I intended to do so yesterday, but I got so caught up in all of those things folks tend to do on Christmas day (sleeping in, laying around, etc.) that it slipped my mind until now. 

Anyway, thanks to everyone who tossed their hats into the proverbial ring for this Gay Gamer Giveaway™.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Gay Gamer Giveaway™: Elminage Original (PSP/Vita) Edition

I know what some of you are thinking. "What? Another giveaway? Already? Didn't you just have one?"

Why, yes, yes I did. Somehow, though, the gaming goddesses smiled down upon me (they all work at UFO Interactive, apparently) and sent me three PSN codes for Elminage Original, a Wizardry-esque dungeon-crawler that's playable on both the PSP and Vita.

I just started playing this Starfish-developed game myself (the aforementioned goddesses provided me with a PSN code, too), and although the localization is a bit rough (or a lot rough) in spots and the rest of the game is tough as nails, I'm enjoying it so far.

So, what do you need to do to nab one of the three PSN codes mentioned earlier in this post? Leave a comment ("yo!" is fine) below. That's it.

Note: Like the last Gay Gamer Giveaway™, you have to be able to access and download from the North American PSN store if you want to be able to redeem one of these codes, so consider that before tossing your name into the proverbial hat.

As for when I'll draw the winners' names out of said hat: I'll do so on Christmas morning, so get your votes in (again, by leaving a comment below) by 11:59 pm Pacific on Dec. 24.

One last thing before I go: I've decided to do things a bit differently this time around. Specifically, I won't be promoting this giveaway via Twitter like I usually do, as I'd prefer the winners to be people who actually read the blog once in a while.

That said, I'm not sure all that many PSP and/or Vita owners follow this blog. So, if you know someone who would enjoy a free copy of Elminage Original, by all means let me know about the giveaway.

See also: Previous Gay Gamer Giveaway™ posts

Friday, November 23, 2012

How I'm spending my 'Black Friday'

So, it's "Black Friday" here in North America.

For those of you who don't live here (I should mention, by the way, that I'm not at all sure if folks in Canada or Mexico "celebrate" this day, too), "Black Friday" is both the day after Thanksgiving and the first day of the holiday shopping season in our neck of the woods.

In regards to the latter part of that description, retailers here tend to open their doors extremely early on "Black Friday" (as early as midnight) and also promote rather insane deals in order to woo customers into their establishments.

Although a good number of Americans are braving the crowds, traffic and weather today, I am not one of them. What will I be doing instead of shopping? Why, playing games, of course. (OK, so I'll probably do a few other things, too--like put up some Christmas lights and, uh, contemplate my existence.)

As for which ones, here's a little rundown for all who are interested:

* For starters, I'm going to spend some time rearranging all of the "Harvest" furniture I spent two hours obtaining from Animal Crossing's Franklin the turkey last night. I'll probably also write lurid love letters to my newest neighbors: Cousteau the frog, Savannah the zebra and Tangy the cat.

* I'm also planning to make a good dent (not literally) in the copy of Paper Mario: Sticker Star that arrived on my doorstep last week. I've only spent about two hours with it so far, but already I'm loving the writing, the soundtrack and, surprise, the sticker-centric battles.

* Should I still have a bit of energy left for gaming after all of the above, I may pop my copy of Style Savvy: Trendsetters back into my 3DS and give it a go, too.

* Finally, I'm itching to download UFO Interactive's just-released PSP dungeon-crawler, Elminage Original. Considering I'm a bit broke at the moment (more on that in an upcoming post), though, that may not happen this weekend.

How are all of you planning to spend this holiday (if you're in the States) weekend?