Showing posts with label Earth Seeker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Seeker. Show all posts

Friday, July 01, 2011

Earth Seeker has some seriously sexy box art

My original headline for this post, by the way, was: "Earth Seeker, the Wii RPG that's being made by the guy who produced the first Monster Hunter game and that will never see the light of day outside of Japan, has some sexy box art." In the end, though, I decided that was a bit too wordy and went with the shorter-and-sweeter version seen above.

With all of that out of the way, let's look at this Crafts & Meister-developed, Kadokawa-published game's supposedly sexy box art, shall we?

If I knew Japanese I'd totally take one for the team and buy a copy of the game (which hit store shelves in Japan on June 23), but since I don't I'm just going to grouse about the fact that it's unlikely to be released in a language that I understand.

For more information on this intriguing game, check out any of these articles at or this discussion thread at