Showing posts with label Drawed Goods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawed Goods. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reed Bond's 'Pink Yoshi'

Remember the "Sexy Shy Guy" I wrote about a few days ago? (Check it out here if you don't.) Well, it appears it was part of some sort of concerted effort by the folks behind the Drawed Goods site to illustrate characters from the Super Mario Bros. universe.

Another of the pieces created as part of the aforementioned effort is the one seen below (and here):

It was made by Atlanta-based artist Reed Bond and is, in my humble opinion, the definition of "adorbs." (I'm especially fond of Yoshi's side-eye.)

To see more of Bond's work, hop on over to his you have a second. Also, I'd highly recommend checking out while you're at it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

'Mega Man Kicks Butt'

Are you one of the many fans who were left feeling heartbroken after the folks at Capcom announced they were canceling Mega Man Legends 3? I am, and I don't even own a 3DS!

It seems a number of the artists who contribute to the Drawed Goods tumblog were bummed by the cancellation, too, since many of the site's most recent uploads focus on the Blue Bomber and/or his compadres.

The one above, titled "Mega Man Kicks Butt," was was drawn by the fabulous Drew Green, by the way. To see more of his work, check out his blog, his deviantART gallery or his tumblog.