Showing posts with label Deception IV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deception IV. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

Well, hello there, beautiful piece of Kagero: Darkside Princess (Vita) box art

Full disclosure: I've sadly never experienced any of Tecmo's trap-setting Deception (Kagero in Japan, for most part) titles.

I may have to rectify that once I finally get a Vita (in 2015? or maybe I'll break down later this year and buy one...) given the beauty of the following piece of box art, which was produced for the Japanese version of seres' fourth game (called Kagero: Darkside Princess in its home region and Deception IV: Blood Ties elsewhere).

Granted, there's no guarantee the North American release's packaging will feature the same radiant--and more than a bit fanservice-y, I have to admit--illustration that'll grace the cover of its Japanese counterpart, but I'm hopeful the folks at Tecmo will do the right thing and leave well enough alone when they bring the game to western shores in a few months.

Are any of you Deception/Kagero fans? Even if you aren't, are any of you planning to pick up this entry in the series--either because of the box art above or despite it?