Showing posts with label Crystal Chronicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crystal Chronicles. Show all posts

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Dear third-party developers and publishers, please greenlight Switch sequels to these games

Just over a month ago, I published a similarly titled post in which I discussed sequels I'd like Nintendo to greenlight for Switch.

This write-up, of course, is aimed at third-party developers and publishers.

Sadly, I don't have the highest of hopes that follow-ups to any of the games mentioned below will make their way to the Switch anytime soon, but I'm not going to let that keep me from blathering on about them here.

With that out of the way, keep reading to learn about 10 Switch sequels I'd like third parties to make before Nintendo's popular hybrid system gives up the ghost.

Cladun--I'm well aware that this retro-tinged series of dungeon-crawlers began life on Sony systems, but considering the one that put it on the map (the PSP) is long dead and its successor has one foot in the grave, prepping the next Cladun for Switch seems like the only viable option for developer System Prisma. Should the company do that, though, I hope it eschews the last release's ancient Japanese setting in favor of something a bit more in line with the series' first two entries.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles--Specifically, I want a "real" sequel to the GameCube original. The Switch would be perfect for such a game, don't you think? And this time around, you wouldn't need to own a bunch of GameBoy Advances and related cables to experience its particular multiplayer pleasures. All you'd need are a couple of extra Joy-Cons--if your goal is to cobble together a proper four-person party, I mean. At any rate, please make this happen pronto, Square Enix.

Mr. Driller--The bigwigs at Bandai Namco have ignored this Dig Dug spinoff for a good while now. In fact, Drill Till You Drop and W, sold via the DS and Wii eShops, respectively, are the series' most recent console outings, and they came out all the way back in 2009. A fresh sequel for Switch would be perfect, if you ask me--especially if it allowed players to make use of the system's touch screen in handheld mode.

Opoona--Developer ArtePiazza has been dropping hints that Opoona may soon make a return, but no one seems to know what form the return will take. It could simply be an untouched digital release of the original game for Switch (and maybe other current consoles). Or it could be a mobile port of the same game. The best-case scenario, in my mind: a Switch sequel that addresses Opoona's many shortcomings but retains its sense of otherworldly awe. That said, I'd also take a remake--as long as it, too, fixes some of the Wii offering's issues.

Pac-Man Championship Edition--Oh, who am I trying to kid here? I don't really want Bandai Namco to push out yet another sequel to this 2007 release. I just want the company to make the first one available to Switch owners like myself. That's not too much to ask, is it? If it is, how about a Switch port of 2014's Pac-Man Museum?

Shiren the Wanderer--Actually, I'd welcome any sort of Mystery Dungeon sequel on Switch as along as it isn't another of the Pokémon-branded ones. Don't take that the wrong way--I don't have a problem with the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. I would, however, prefer to see a mainline entry come to the system first. OK, and new Torneko or Chocobo spinoffs, too. Once those are out of the way, Spike Chunsoft, feel free to churn out another Pokémon offshoot for Nintendo.

Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest--By nearly all accounts, Square Enix's last Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest game didn't do so well. It only saw the light of day in Japan, however, and it came out fairly early on in the 3DS' life. Had it launched later, and had it earned a Western (North American, especially) release, I think it may have fared better. Regardless, with the Switch lighting up the sales charts around the world, a fourth Slime MoriMori Dragon Quest title could finally see the kind of worldwide success this series has always deserved.

Super Monkey Ball--I know this Sega series has gone downhill since its second console release, but I'd welcome a new Switch entry with open arms if it returned to its glory days on the GameCube. The question is: does the company still have what it takes to produce a worthwhile Super Monkey Ball game? I'm not sure it does, but I'll give Sega the benefit of the doubt and cross my fingers that a new, thrilling adventure starring AiAi and co hit the Switch sometime soon.

Yomawari: Night Alone and Midnight Shadows--It's hard to say if this series of cute-but-creepy survival-horror titles has done well enough for Nippon Ichi Software to make another or if it's currently on the proverbial chopping block due to ho-hum sales. Should NIS make a third, though, I pray it'll add Switch to the mix of systems that can play it--and maybe port the first two titles to the hybrid as well?

Zoo Keeper--I have to be one of the few people around clamoring for this series of match-three puzzlers to continue on the Switch. I've thoroughly enjoyed every version of Zoo Keeper I've played to date, though--with the GBA and Japan-only 3DS games being my favorites--so I'd love to see what developer Success can concoct for Nintendo's latest handheld.

Are there any sequels you'd like third-party developers and published to make for Switch? If so, let me and others know about them in the comments section below.

Friday, July 31, 2015

I've never been a fan of Final Fantasy Explorer's art style, but I'll probably pick up the upcoming North American version anyway

In case you didn't see this news elsewhere yesterday: Square Enix will be bringing its Monster Hunter-esque 3DS game, Final Fantasy Explorers, to North America and Europe in early 2016.

Specifically, this Final Fantasy spin-off will be released in the former region on Jan. 26 and in the latter one on Jan. 29.

The out-of-nowhere announcement came as a shock to the handful of Westerners who actually cared about the fate of this so-far-Japan-only cart, as it hit store shelves in that territory all the way back in December of 2014.

Why did Square Enix wait so long to bring it to our shores? I have no idea, although I hope it had something to do with its staffers making some additions, or even changes, to it.

Sadly, I doubt they'll do anything to Final Fantasy Explorer's character designs, which are about as boring and lifeless as can be, in my opinion. (Especially when you compare them to the ones found in a game like Bravely Default.)

Still, I'm currently planning to pick up a copy of this strange looking title--if only to show the brass at Square Enix that us Americans actually want them to localize more of their 3DS games (such as all of those wonderful Dragon Quest adventures that are languishing in Japan) in the coming months and even years.

How about you guys and gals? Do any of you think you'll buy Final Fantasy Explorers at some point down the road?

See also: 'And yet five more games I'm looking forward to playing between now and the end of 2015'

Monday, September 29, 2014

Final Fantasy Explorers will include bell weapons, which means I may have to buy a copy

Here's a queer little fact I'm guessing few people know about me: my favorite weapon type in my favorite Final Fantasy game--that would be Final Fantasy V--is the bell.

In fact, whenever I play through Final Fantasy V (and I've played through it a good many times over the years), I obtain the ninja job's "dual-wield" ability so I can give (at least) one of my characters a pair of bells to use against the game's bevy of baddies.

I bring up the above, by the way, because I just discovered that Square Enix's upcoming Monster Hunter-esque (or maybe I should say Crystal Chronicles-ish?) 3DS title, Final Fantasy Explorers, also will feature bell weapons--which of course makes me want to nab a copy of it as soon as possible.

The thing is, I'm still a bit iffy on the rest of this game. For starters, its graphics are underwhelming, to say the least, although I'd be OK with that if its overall art style were less ... generic, for lack of a better word.

And then there's its gameplay, which doesn't sound terrible, but also doesn't sound entirely interesting. Or maybe I should say it doesn't sound entirely interesting for someone like me, who is likely to play the game alone, rather than with others.

Still, I'm sure I'll strongly consider picking up Final Fantasy Explorers should it earn a North American release at some point in time--although given Square Enix's recent history (especially with the 3DS), I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

Are any of you also pondering this portable Final Fantasy spin-off?