In the last installment of "Mimi's Adventures in Miminton," I promised that this installment would focus on a pot fiend moving into the 'hood, Mimi inappropriately touching Freya, Mumu and Leelee showing off their letter-writing prowess and "Operation Get Mathilda To Move Out of Town" beginning in earnest.
Before I get to all of those things, though, I have to shine a light this little bon mot from dear old Cookie, who, as seems to be the case for all Animal Crossing villagers Mimi and her pals take a shine to, has since moved to another town:
Shortly after Cookie ranted to Mimi about Redd, Freya accosted her about being a creep. OK, so the whole affair was a bit less dramatic than I originally made it out to be, but what did you expect--to see Freya whack Mimi over the head with a frying pan? Actually, that would've been pretty cool...
As for the aforementioned "pot fiend," may I present Miminton's newest resident: Claude the rabbit.
Mimi's first run-in with Claude made her think it was possible he had a fondness for hash, but her second run-in with him sealed the deal.
Showing posts with label Claude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claude. Show all posts
Thursday, January 03, 2013
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