Showing posts with label Catherine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catherine. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hunky Space Harrier

I don't know if any of you noticed, but buried within this post about Darwin Yamamoto's recent trip to Tokyo's retro-games shop, Super Potato, was a brief note about the New Yorker being a designer and illustrator.

Well, a good example of Yamamoto's abilities as an illustrator can be seen in his recent--and rather hunky--portrait of Sega's Space Harrier:

Go here to see an animated version of this portrait, by the way. (The static version, above, was taken from here.)

To see more such portraits of famous and not-so-famous game characters--including Jennifer from Rule of Rose, Vincent from Catherine and Francis York from Deadly Premonition--check out this Flickr set.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Play: 'Which Box Art is Better?' (Catherine edition)

Actually, this edition of "Which Box Art is Better?" really should be titled "Which Box Art is Best?" as it includes four (rather than two) different illustrations--all of which will appear on North American covers of Atlus' upcoming PS3 and Xbox 360 puzzler-platformer, Catherine.

Here, for instance, is the image that will grace the cover of the "regular" PS3 release of the game:

Gamers who consider that piece of box art to be a bit too risqué will be able to buy this "alternate" version (through instead:

Xbox 360 owners will be presented with a pair of box art options, too, with the one below being the regular release:

And this one being the alternate (pre-order it here):

After much consideration, I have to admit that I like the regular PS3 cover the best, followed by the regular Xbox 360 cover. As far as the alternate covers are concerned: Once again, I prefer the PS3 iteration to its Xbox 360 counterpart.

Which one is your favorite?

See also: Previous Catherine posts

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I just remembered that I'll be able to buy (and play) Catherine now that I own an Xbox 360

I've been so focused on using my Xbox 360 as an Xbox Live Arcade and Indie Games player that I completely forgot, until last night, that I'll soon be able to use that big, black box to play Atlus' upcoming erotic and horrific puzzler-platformer (boy, that's a mouthful), Catherine, too.

What prompted this late-night revelation? Well, the folks at Atlus released a bunch of localized (English) screenshots--like the one below--of the game, that's what.

According to, by the way, both the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Catherine will be available for purchase (for about $59.99) as of July 26. Pre-order the PS3 version here and the Xbox 360 version here.


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Catherine comes out on July 26

Unfortunately, I'm not talking about this Shigenori Soejima-designed character coming out of the proverbial closet; rather, I'm talking about the game of which she's the focus finally coming out (aka being released) in the US.

Surprisingly, Atlus is reusing, on Catherine's North American packaging, the rather sexy box art (right) that appeared on the Japanese PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of this action-adventure platformer-puzzler.

The question is, will the North American versions of Catherine also retain the (reportedly) confounding difficulty of their Japanese counterparts, or will the folks at Atlus include a "baby mode" for all of us wusses?

I guess I shouldn't say "us," as I've yet to buy a PS3 or an Xbox 360. Sigh. Hopefully some of you who own one or both of said systems will pick up a copy of Catherine and let me know what I'm missing.

Pre-order: Catherine (PS3) and Catherine (Xbox 360)

Thursday, January 06, 2011

'Tactical SMT Tower-Climbing Action Game'

That's what a commenter on YouTube called Atlus' perverted--in a good way--puzzler-platformer Catherine after watching the game's latest trailer. (Check it out here if you haven't already done so.)

Why am I posting that here? Well, it made me chuckle. Isn't that enough?

For more on this upcoming PS3 and Xbox 360 release, read one of the many Catherine-related posts over at (Or read my previous posts about the game.)

Not sure if want: Atlus' Catherine

I've had my eye on Atlus' Catherine, which will be released (in Japan) for the PS3 and Xbox 360 on Feb. 17, since it was announced last fall.

Until yesterday, though, I didn't have a clue as to how the game would play. Now that I do have a clue--thanks to the trailer below--I'm not sure if I should keep Catherine, which was developed by Atlus' Persona team, on my "to buy" list (you know, after I finally pick up a PS3 or Xbox 360) or if I should move it to my "avoid unless you're forced at gunpoint to buy it" list.

See also: 'And this week's 'WTF is this?' award goes to ...' and 'Will either of these box covers leave Japan?'

Friday, December 03, 2010

Will either of these box covers leave Japan?

My guess: I doubt it.

I mean, when was the last time you saw a North American game box that featured a man crawling out of a woman's cleavage, or a man clawing his way into a woman's pants?

The former will be front-and-center on the Japanese PS3 cover (below) of Atlus' adult-ish action-adventure game, Catherine, while the latter will grace the cover (see it here) of the Xbox 360 version of the game. (Both will be released in Japan on Feb. 17.)

All that said, both of the images mentioned above are more likely to be attached to the American and European versions of the game than this promotional illustration.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

And this week's 'WTF is this?' award goes to ...

... Atlus' just-announced action-adventure game, Catherine.

What's so WTF-ish about this title, which the Persona publisher is prepping for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360? Take a gander at its first teaser trailer:

A bit of a head-scratcher, ain't it?

For a bit of background on the game's main character, Vincent, and the girl of his, er, nightmares (the titular Catherine), check out this post and this post over at