Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger: 1, The Gay Gamer: 0

I know what some of you are wondering: Where in the hell have you been for the last few days?

Actually, I've been right here, waiting to press "publish post." Unfortunately, I was unable to even access my blog's dashboard between Thursday morning and yesterday afternoon thanks to some behind-the-scenes drama at Blogger. (Read about it here.)

Although I'm able to access my dashboard and publish posts again, all is not yet back to normal on this here blog. Case in point: I lost a trio of posts as well as a number of comments thanks to the aforementioned drama.

Because I'm not sure if the folks at Blogger will be able to recover the lost posts (as they have for most other blogs) in the next few days or not, for the time being I'm going refrain from rewriting and republishing them.

As much as I'd like to sit and sulk about all of the above, I don't think that would be the best course of action. (We are just talking about blog posts, after all.) Instead, why don't we get back to geeking out about games?