Showing posts with label Atelier Ayesha Plus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atelier Ayesha Plus. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

I really like these recently-ish released examples of Japanese box art

So, here we are again. What is it with me and box art? Honestly, I have no idea--other than I really like it (box art), I mean.

If you're also a fan of box art, hopefully you'll dig the recently-ish released examples below, each of which should show up on Japanese store shelves sooner rather than later.

This first one is for the PS Vita "Premium Box" version of Atelier Ayesha Plus, as you've probably already surmised. I'm also pretty fond of the cover art that's going to be used for this game's regular release (check it out here), I have to say, but I like this one even more due to the presence of that goat-lamb creature.  

I really, really liked the illustration that was created for the first Theatrhythm title's case cover, so I expected to like this one, too. And you know what? I do! Hopefully if the powers that be at Square Enix decide to release it elsewhere they'll leave the box art alone.

The box art above is for what looks to be a Wizardry clone called Tsurugi no Machi no Ihoujin (or, Stranger of the Village of the Sword). Apparently the game's also going to be released for the Vita, so hopefully some brave company will localize that version for other regions (and of course use the same cover illustration). 

Finally, there's Natural Doctrine, another upcoming title I know next to nothing about--other than it's a PS4 game that's being published by Kadokawa Games, I mean. I do believe I've read that it's been announced for North American release, though, so I'm guessing we'll all learn more about it shortly.

Do any of the pieces of cover art above make your heart race, too? If so, which ones--and why?