Showing posts with label Andy Hull. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Hull. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Warm up your Xbox 360s, boys and girls: Spelunky's finally on its way

And when I say "on its way," I mean it: This highly anticipated part-platformer-part-roguelike title, made by Derek Yu and Andy Hull, will hit XBLA a week from tomorrow (that would be Wednesday, July 4) with a price tag of 1,200 Microsoft Points.

Although I've never played the original freeware version of Spelunky, I've looked forward to the release of this XBLA-based remake ever since I first heard about it this time last year.

Here's the trailer that announced the XBLA re-imagining of this platformer-cum-roguelike, by the way. It includes footage of both versions--in case you've never heard of, let alone seen, Spelunky before now.

Curious about the history behind this well-regarded game? Check out Russ Frushtick's recently published (over at article, "Spelunky: The Everlasting Platformer."