Showing posts with label Andrew Kolb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Kolb. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The most adorable (and interesting) Pokémon illustrations you're ever likely to see

When I first read about the Pokémon Battle Royale art show that's taking up space at Minneapolis' Light Grey Art Lab through May 11, I was jealous that I no longer lived close enough to check it out in person.

Now that the show's 151 pieces--each of which are based on the the original 151 Pokémon--can be viewed on line, though, I no longer feel so envious.

Pokémon Battle Royale features so many fabulous works of art that it's hard to pick a favorite, but if I were forced to do so I'd probably single out Andrew Kolb's Ivysaur, below.

That said, I'm also quite smitten with Shane Richardson's pooping Pidgeotto:

And Diego Garcia's pixelated Paras:

Really, though, all 151 pieces are worth a look (here) if you're even the slightest bit interested in the Pokémon series.

See also: Chic Pixel's recent write-up about the same show

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Hyrulian Book of Biology

By the end of this week, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be available pretty much everywhere in the world. How many of you have picked it up already or are planning to do so in the next few days?

Those of you who are Zelda fans but have yet to buy Skyward Sword should do what I've been doing for the last few days--which is stare at artist Andrew Kolb's "The Hyrulian Book of Biology" and then contemplate all of the wonderful things (including more illustrations like the ones that appear on the imaginary book's cover, below) that could be contained within such a compendium.

Kolb created "The Hyrulian Book of Biology" for an awesome Zelda tribute blog called Fill Up Your Hearts! (or is it Well, Excuse Me Princess?), by the way. Check it out here if you're so inclined.

Buy: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword