Showing posts with label Abby Elaina Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abby Elaina Hall. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pretty pink pads

I've owned a number of controllers over the years, but not one of them has been pink. The same can't be said of Abby Elaina Hall (aka A Bit Disarrayed on Flickr), who owns a trio of bubblegum-colored controllers (current-gen ones, no less).

I won't hate on her too much, though, since she was nice enough to take a snapshot of said controllers and then share the resulting pic (below and here) on her Flickr photostream.

That salmon-y Wii wheel is especially snazzy, isn't it? If I were still playing Mario Kart Wii (I gave it up at the suggestion of my shrink), I'd pick up one of them along with a pink Wii Remote Plus.