As for when the announcement in question will be made, all signs point to it happening during an event that'll be hosted (and livestreamed, thankfully) on Tuesday, July 28.
It's not a sure thing that Dragon Quest XI will headline this event, by the way, so keep your expectations in check. That said, what other "big title" would prompt the powers that be at Square Enix to throw such a shindig in its honor at this point?
Anyway, assuming we actually hear something about the 11th entry in the eons-old Dragon Quest series in a couple of days, and assuming you actually give a rat's patootie about such a game, what are some of your hopes and fears for it?

Here, I'll get things started. In a twist that I'm sure will shock everyone who's visited this blog for even a few days, I'd really like it if Dragon Quest XI were released for the 3DS. I know that's extremely unlikely at this point, but I can't help but wish for it all the same.
If it isn't going to be playable on the 3DS, I'd really like it to be playable on the Vita. I'm not sure that's all that likely either--the PS3 and PS4 are where I'd put my money, if forced--but this post is supposed to be all about sharing our hopes (or fears), even bat-shit-crazy ones, so that's what I'm doing.
Now it's your turn. So, tell me: for which system--or systems--do you want Dragon Quest XI to be make? Also, feel free to pass along any other thoughts or opinions you may have about this subject, like whether or not you'd like it to continue to feature turn-based battles.
See also: 'I've got to admit, Dragon Quest Builders looks quite a bit more appealing than I imagined it would when it was first announced'