I can't tell you why that is, sadly. I guess it's possible I would've played the game by now if it were available for a Nintendo platform, but I have a feeling even that may not have pushed me to jump on the bandwagon.

That's not to say I have something against Minecraft or its makers or its fans or anything like that. For whatever reason, it just hasn't pinged my radar up to this point.
Anyway, as a result of all of the above, Square Enix's announcement a couple of weeks ago that it is prepping a game called Dragon Quest Builders--which seemingly combines elements of Minecraft with the Dragon Quest series--for PS3, PS4 and Vita didn't exactly send shivers up and down my spine.

I don't know that I would say I'm feeling those shivers now that I've thoroughly perused the first Dragon Quest Builders screenshots that can be seen throughout this post, but I'm definitely a lot more interested in the game than I ever thought I'd be.
The question is: will the powers that be at Square Enix actually release any version of Dragon Quest Builders in North America?

I wouldn't bet against the PS4 iteration crossing the pond, so to speak, especially since Square Enix seems so bullish on that console at the moment, but I'm not so sure about the Vita iteration--which of course is the one I'd buy if I were to do such a thing.
What do all of you think? Will Dragon Quest Builders see the light of day outside of Japan? And should that come to pass, will you buy one or more copies of it?
I just heard about this the other day, but I hadn't seen screens of it yet. I played Minecraft for about a month, and I racked up a TON of hours. It's a lot of fun to just veg out and explore. THIS, though. THIS! I want this to come stateside so badly!
I don't have much interest in most Dragon Quest games, and Minecraft was a little too aimless for me, but if they can make a good town-building/dungeon crawling action RPG mix a la Dark Cloud then I'm in.
Ah, I’m really sad to say I’ve never played either of the
Dark Cloud games, Steve. Would you recommend either of them?
Hey there, Justin! Like I said in this post, I really have to imagine at least the PS4 version will come stateside. The PS3 and Vita versions I’m not so sure about, though. Hopefully the Vita version at least will be released digitally—although of course I’d prefer it to get a physical release, too!
Yeah they are two of my favorite action RPG's. Actually they are two of my first JRPG's -- they got me hooked on the genre. They're my favorite Level-5 games, too. How did you miss out on them?
I didn’t buy a PS2 until *very* late that particular gen, Steve. Also, I just haven’t built up much of a collection of games for it in the ensuing years, for some dumb reason. Anyway, maybe I’ll pick up one or both of these games in the coming months and give them a go. I remember loving the look of the first game around the time it came out, but because I didn’t have a PS2 at the time, all I was able to go was ogle it from afar. It would be nice to finally experience the gameplay attached to those beautiful graphics (and also see if the graphics hold up at all).
Really dreading this release to be honest.
I remember when Minecraft was still in beta and we we're still losing sleep just to play this game. I did the sane thing and just quit though as it ate up time for anything else...and now it's coming on a handheld married to Dragon Quest....yepp I better just give up and accept it. No other game will exist for a while :)
Well, at least you can rest assured it won't be released for a while yet, Franggio. I mean, it's def. not being released in Japan until this holiday season, and it may even slip to early next year. So, feel free to enjoy some other games in the meantime :)
Yepp, actually doing Anne's jrpgjuly game along now :) been fun revisiting old games.
Ah! Which games are you playing for that game along, Franggio?
I'm playing Shadow Hearts :) Even with all it's stupid issues it's one of my favourite games. The atmosphere is phenomenally creepy, light, disgusting and wonderful at different times ^^
Oh, I've always wanted to play that one! Some day...
Well the rude hero awaits you :) Just be warned that the company that made it has gone defunct and the people in charge barely surface these days so only chance of playing them is through used copies or .iso's ^^
Oh, yes, I assumed I'd have to buy it used these days, which is fine with me!
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