Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bandai Namco's Ray Gigant (Vita) is giving me serious Tengai Makyou and Shining Force vibes, and that's a very good thing

Call me crazy for saying so, if you must, but after watching the following trailer for Bandai Namco's upcoming Vita RPG, Ray Gigant, for the first time a few minutes ago, I can't help but wonder if its developers weren't at least a smidge inspired by Sega's Shining Force titles or Hudson's Tengai Makyou series.

What do you think? Can you see where I'm coming from after checking out the trailer for yourself, or do you consider it a stretch of the imagination? Regardless, what are your early impressions of this late-July (in Japan only, for now) release?


  1. So anime O_o the aesthetic is tiring me out. I've got my eye out for it. If they don't localize, I'm not interested enough to import it.

  2. Justin Difazzio10:00 PM

    I haven't played any of those games. So...I'll have to agree with you!

  3. No Shining Force at all, Justin? I know the first two (Genesis) games were on the Wii Virtual Console, but I'm not sure about the Wii U VC. Anyway, the second one is especially worth checking out if you like strategy/tactical RPGs.

  4. Huh. I like the aesthetic, especially how it's used in this game. That said, I also can't see myself importing the game, so I guess I'll have to hold out for a NA localization.

  5. Justin Difazzio9:02 AM

    That might be why I've always passed on them. I'm not a fan of strategy RPGs.

  6. Well, I guess I can't fault you for feeling that way, Justin. I love 'em, though, and I *really* love the first couple of games in this series :)

  7. I like everything but, I'm really worn out on the teenage anime protag. It's the Vita's fault, that's the majority of what we get on that device :(

  8. Well, it's kind of an issue with all JRPGs these days, isn't it? Still, I prefer the look of this game many of the JRPGs that have come out in recent years. Here's hoping the one used for SaGa for Vita is more interesting, though...

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  11. I'll have to check this one out when it finally releases, as I absolutely adore the Shining Force titles. I appreciate seeing the love is shared.

  12. Hey there, Xinen! I really hope the Shining Force comparison
    pans out in the end—at least to an extent. I know the main gameplay here is
    comparable to a dungeon crawler—or that’s my understanding—but the battles look
    very Shining Force-esque, so … fingers crossed. Even if the comparison isn’t
    apt in the end, I still hope the game is worth playing, because I really want
    to buy it…
