I'm a bit bummed that Oreshika won't be getting a physical (boxed) release in either of the above-mentioned regions, but I'm far less bummed than I'd be if the game weren't being released at all.

Plus, Oreshika will cost just $19.99 upon release in North America, and €19.99 in Europe, so it's hard to complain too much about the situation surrounding the localization of this lovely looking RPG.
Oh, and in case I haven't said so here already (I know I've mentioned at least part of the following somewhere on line in the last few weeks, but I can't remember where), I recently bought a Vita. More specifically, one of the Japanese pink-and-white Vita 2000 systems, as they're sometimes called.
And just before I bought that Vita, I bought a Vita game--with the game in question being the first Danganronpa, of course.

Anyway, the Vita is due to be dropped on my doorstep any day now, and as soon as that happens I'll let everyone know via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and here, although not necessarily in that order.
In the meantime, are any of you planning to buy Oreshika--either at launch or at some point down the road?
I missed it didn't I? You bought a Vita Bryan ^^
Now fall in love with Danganronpa and join us in the streets.
As for the game itself, been trying to play it in Japanese and while I can understand some it was to hard so I had to shelf it and wait for the localisation but what I can say is that I really liked the game, it gives you an option in every battle(manually) to either beat every enemy or just take out the commander. Can be good if you are hurting but you will gain less compensation for winning :) And it's really pretty, I really like the art design of the game, even the dungeons with their random outlay where pretty.
Ah, so now I don't feel so bad. I thought almost everyone knew I bought a Vita! Anyway, yes, I hope I like Danganronpa as much as everyone else has, and I hope I like Oreshia, too!
heh, well I've been really busy(still am) at work so I missed a few posts. Or just skimmed through them or just checked out the pictures :( My bad I know but to my defence I've been really tired :| But only One more month and we'll be done and I'll back in to more sane work conditions ^^
Is this the same team as Okami? It looks SO SIMILAR. I'd consider it just for the art style.
I'm excited to buy Oreshika! It looks beautiful.
Hey, you don't need to apologize for missing posts or commenting less than you used to or anything like that, Franggio. I completely understand being too busy for such things, believe me! Anyway, I hope things calm down for you soon :)
I don't believe so, Justin, although I guess it's possible the team at Sony (?) responsible for this game came from the team that made the Okami games? More likely, I think, is that the folks who made this game were inspired by Okami, or rather by the same art style employed in the Okami series...
That it does, Francesca! I'll be buying it the day it's available, no doubt. As for when I'll finally get around to playing it, though--that's an entirely different question! XD
Welcome to the Vita family, Bryan! :)
I'll be buying Oreshika on release. Who could say no to such a good looking game? Shame about digital only, but it's what i've come to expect with both Vita releases now.
I don't really get the storyline (each family member lives only three years, and you can't reproduce to make more?) but hacking up demented Maneki-Nekos always makes for a good time. I'll be watching this one.
BTW, there's a Vita sale this week, if your system ever arrives.
Yeah, I mean, physical would be nice, but I'll take digitally-only over *nothing* any day. Plus, at $19.99 it seems like a steal.
Thanks for the reminder, Jess! Sadly, I won't be able to pick up my system until Saturday morning :( Is the sale going on until then?
Till Monday, I think.
Well, then, I'll check it out after I get my system up and running this weekend (I hope!) :)
Hope so! I think you can buy games in advance, although to be brutally honest there isn't anything in the birthday sale that really floats my boat. Probably for the best, since I'll be low on dough 'till March.
Yeah, a quick look at what's on offer suggests I won't be buying anything. Which is OK, as I recently bought a bunch of DS and PSP games, so I don't really need anything else right now--except maybe a couple of digital indie games for Vita...
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