Unfortunately, it appears the company's only giving us the XL version of this stopgap system, as the smaller New 3DS--the one that can be personalized with all sorts of fun and colorful "cover plates"--was completely ignored.
I'm hopeful we'll get the non-XL New 3DS eventually, but I'm not sure I care one way or the other at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to own one of the smaller New 3DSes some day, but I'm plenty happy with my pink-and-white XL and I'm not in any particular hurry to replace it (or my red OG 3DS)--especially since I have yet to buy a Vita.

Anyway, four New 3DS XLs will hit North American store shelves on Feb. 13: a black one, a red one and two special editions (one of which is gold and features a Majora's Mask design and the other of which is silver and features a Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate design).
Oh, and speaking of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, both of those 3DS games will launch alongside the New 3DS XL in North America. Sounds good to me.
A few other 3DS games were revealed during this morning's North American Nintendo Direct, namely the New 3DS port of Xenoblade Chronicles (due out in this region in April), Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition (coming in May) and a new entry in the Fire Emblem series (see screenshot below) that's being called Fire Emblem If in Japan and supposedly will see the light of day sometime between now and the end of 2015.

I'll be picking up the latter two titles, no question, although I'll very likely pass on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D even if I change my mind and pick up a New 3DS XL at some point down the road. (I liked what I played of the Wii version of Xenoblade Chronicles a year or two ago, but I don't have much interest in revisiting the experience.)
The Japanese Nintendo Direct (watch it here) was far more thrilling for me thanks to a single announcement--that being that a new Rhythm Tengoku game will be released for the 3DS this year.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't yet have an official name or a solid release date. What is known is that it will feature more than 100 mini-games, with around 70 of them being taken from earlier Rhythm Tengoku titles and 30 of them being new (including the one seen below).

I'll be pre-ordering this sucker as soon as amiami.com allows me to do so, of course.
Another interesting 3DS-related announcement made during the Japanese Nintendo Direct revolved around the Girls Mode series, known as Style Savvy in North America. Specifically, the 3DS' home region will be getting Girls Mode 3 on April 16.
It's been a while since I played my copy of Style Savvy: Trendsetters (the North American version of the second Girls Mode), so I can't really say what's new about this entry, but it looks interesting all the same, so fingers crossed that it somehow makes its way to our shores in the coming months.

Other than the above, I continue to be impressed by a trio of upcoming Wii U games--Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X--that were shown as part of the North American Nintendo Direct.
All three look absolutely marvelous, although I have no idea when I'll actually get to experience any of them myself, as my home remains a Wii U-free environment. Who knows, maybe that finally will change later this year.
Now that I've had my say, what did all of you think about this morning's broadcasts? Did they satisfy you? Anger you? Or maybe they made you feel some other emotion entirely?
i am surprised that i'm kind of mad! Usually i'm the one shrugging when people get pissed off! The lack of small n3DS is such a disappointment, especially when Europe got it.
it's probably super expensive to get a Euro 3DS or i would completely do it
Well, I can't blame you, finchikins. I'd be mad, too, if I hadn't decided before the Direct that I wasn't going to get a New 3DS for a while. Once I'm finally ready for it, though, I'll definitely be mad--if NOA hasn't started selling the smaller New 3DS systems by then, I mean. I guess I could always go with a Japanese one, but I'd rather buy a NA one, I think.
I think I'm gonna hold off as well, Bryan, on getting a New 3DS. I feel real bad too, as I was hoping for a Majora's Mask Special Edition, but.. unfortunately I find the aesthetics of this one are really tacky (similar to the black/gold Ocarina of Time standard 3DS)? They could have run with the purple themes unique to this iteration, maybe even added more color to match the big ol' mask on the box, but we got some decals on another gold and black system. To be fair, I LOVE the Link Between Worlds 3DS--the subtleties of the design were what made it really wonderful! At the same time, I'm glad that I wasn't really that enticed by it as I would much rather prefer the smaller white N3DS.
Other than that, I'm reallllly excited about the new Fire Emblem. I've been playing through Lunatic on Awakening (for better or worse) and have been really jonesing for a new iteration, I was totally surprised at this announcement! Still crossing my fingers for that Shin Megami Tensei crossover they promised a while back, but I will not refuse another installment in the series.
Also: are you going to check out Majora's Mask at all? Or do you have other things on your radar that are going to take precedence?
Hey there, Zach! Yeah, I find the Majora's Mask New 3DS XL (whew!) a bit disappointing, too. I don't necessarily think it's tacky, though--just ... not as classy as I'd probably like. Oh, well. Like I said, I don't really want a New 3DS XL at this point anyway, so this kind of thing just helps me stay strong in that regard :)
I'm also excited about the new Fire Emblem game, and I'll definitely be buying it--despite the fact that I've yet to finish Awakening.
Speaking of the FE crossover title for Wii U: based on the first few seconds of the FE If "trailer," I actually thought we were going to be treated to some footage of the Wii U game rather than a second 3DS one. Again, oh, well. I have a feeling we'll hear more about the crossover Wii U game soon, though--E3 at the latest.
Oh, and I've already got Majora's Mask 3D pre-ordered--along with MH4U, Etrian Mystery Dungeon, Code Name: STEAM and some others. So, yes, I'll finally be checking it out and I'm very excited about that :)
Man I'm bummed about it...I know this is like "wahhh, my new videogame is the WRONG COLOR" but I really was looking forward to a white, smaller New 3DS! I prefer the smaller screens and the faceplates for sure. No interest in the MH4 or Zelda versions either, although I've already got Monster Hunter 4 preordered since it's one of the few games I can play with my girlfriend! Strange considering it's such an obtuse/difficult game.
Otherwise I was glad to hear about Tingle in Hyrule Warriors and Splatoon looks incredible! And of course...pacman amiibo...
Yeah, I, too, was looking forward to the white version of the smaller New 3DS--even though I wasn't planning on buying it for a while. Oh, well. Maybe this summer, or this holiday season? :(
Tingle in Hyrule Warriors definitely was a nice surprise, although I have no real interest in that game otherwise. And, yes, Splatoon looks really good. I'll have to nab that game if I end up getting a Wii U at some point...
All they had to do was purple + mask but, Nintendo haven't been firing with all cylinders since Wii launch.
Lots of LOL-worthy moments in this announcement. First, Jeremy Parish emphatically states in a USGamer article that the smaller of the two New 3DS systems is the best one to buy. Guess which one we're not getting? Then there's this whole "AC adapter sold separately" crap they're doing with the New 3DS XL. Damn dudes, even the bloody Vita comes with an AC adapter, as well as a game. You're pinching pennies 'till they bleed on technology that's STILL not as advanced as 2012's Vita! The excuse that people already have AC adapters doesn't fly, because guess where they're going to be taking their old 3DS systems to bankroll this new one?
Oh yeah, I'm *definitely* sticking with the old 3DS XL. The New 3DS has the stink of the DSi all over it, and that's one mistake I don't want to make again. Nintendo's just going to have to wait until they release the true successor to the 3DS to get my money.
2 fan mock-ups from a few years ago. Should really consider getting some aesthetically & ergonically skilled industrial designers for their next handheld.
I'm going to wait. I think they'll be pulling the plug soon. I'll just keep building a backlog and get the next handheld. Now, if a really good deal comes along I might jump in. The lack of AC adapter isn't shocking to me but a very poor action. Reeks of greed.
I think, I lost my zeal for handheld gaming. It might be time for a handheld hiatus; if I kept up with my tumblog, I'd use that as post title because it rings.
I feel the same regarding the New 3DS XL. It looks nice but I'm no hurry to get one and I still haven't gotten a Vita yet. The new Rhythm Heaven was also the biggest announcement for me. The amount of mini-games it will have has me excited even if most of them are ones from past games besides I think Fever had about the same amount of mini-games that the amount of new ones the new game will have. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Puzzle & Dragons Z would be bundled with the Super Mario edition in the NA and European.
I'm also glad to see they're going to release Wii games to download on Wii U. I missed out on Punch Out!! and all the Metroid Prime games so now I have chance to buy those at a reasonable price.
Me getting the new Fire Emblem depends on if its has romance feature like in Awaking but with same-sex options. If does or doesn't have the romance feature at all I'll probably get it but if it has romance feature and there are no same-sex romance options then I probably won't get it.
Recently I've been addicted to collecting amiibo (right now I have Mario, Kirby, and Captain Falcon and I've ordered Link, Peach, Zelda, Samus, and Yoshi) so I'm glad to see there going to release some amiibo in different poses. I prefer the Smash Bros ones over their Super Mario counterparts with the exception being Luigi though. I don't see myself buying 2 figures of the same character even if they have different poses though with maybe a few exceptions here and there.
I just watched the jp direct and it was much more entertaining! I know they had to take up more time with the intro of the n3DS, but the The Happy Mask Salesman part of the jp Direct made it the best, and the Iwata Rhythm Tengoku part was really cute. The European one gets the upper hand over the US one just because i like how Shibata says "Weej" instead of Luigi AND of course he emphasized the choice of n3DS and n3DS XL and even showed some cool new face plates for Monster Hunter. I also enjoyed the part about Legend of Legacy! It was interesting hearing Iwata refer back to Romancing SaGa, and funny that he credited Hamauza with Final Fantasy XIII instead of UNLIMITED saga or SaGa Frontier 2. I really wonder what reputation UNLIMITED has in Japan.
I don't think this design is completely terrible, but I definitely agree that it's at least (or at best?) ... unimaginative.
Ah, yes, I like the top one, especially. That said, it's possible Nintendo's designers go for the lowest common denominator with these kinds of things. Maybe they feel purple would turn off too many people, as would designs/illustrations that are too wild, gaudy, etc.?
Well, I can't disagree with anything you said here, Jess! In a way, I'm actually OK with all of this, as it saves me $150 or so, but I feel for others who were really looking forward to the smaller New 3DS and its appealing cover plates.
That said, I wouldn't be surprised if NOA releases the smaller N3DS here eventually--say, this summer (after E3?) or this holiday season. It seems like the kind of thing they would do...
I don't care about the lack of AC adapter myself, as I have three 3DSes and I hardly need an AC adapter. And even if I needed one, I personally don't mind having to go out and buy one. That doesn't mean I agree that NOA shouldn't include one, though. I actually think they should. But I don't think it's the end of the world that they haven't.
Anyway, I'm sorry you've lost your zeal for handheld gaming. This sounds like the opposite of my situation, where I've lost my zeal for console gaming in recent months/years. What has prompted this "losing of zeal" in your case, if you're willing to share?
I would never put it past Nintendo to release another version of one of their game systems. They could end up giving us a New 2DS, though...
Eh, I think the only additional 3DS-related system we're likely to get from NOA between now and whenever they release their next "real" handheld is the smaller New 3DS that has changeable cover plates. Sure, they could give us a redesigned 2DS, but I really, really doubt it.
Oh, yes, I was very pleasantly surprised to hear that the original Puzzle & Dragons game will be packed along with the SMB Edition in NA. I'll definitely be getting the game as a result. If only it were up on Amazon to pre-order!
It'll be very interesting to see if the second FE 3DS game offers same-sex romance options. I certainly hope it will, but I'm skeptical. Anyway, fingers crossed!
I'm not all that interested in the downloadable Wii games for Wii U, to be honest, and I don't think I'd be any more interested even if I actually owned a Wii U. That's probably because I already own every--or nearly every--first-party Wii game that could be released this way, though, I have to admit.
Finally, good for you for nabbing all of those Amiibos! Has all of this drama surrounding hard-to-find Amiibos impacted you at all, or have you been lucky enough to avoid all of that? That's one reason I'm very happy I'm *not* interested in collecting Amiibos at the moment...
Yeah, the Japanese NDs pretty much always are the best, IMO. Certainly they're better than the NA ones. Of course, I've never really liked Reggie, and although Bill Trinen seems like a very nice guy, he can be a bit awkward on camera. And even if none of the above were true, no one can match Iwata (or Miyamoto) for sheer pleasant-ness, so the JP NDs win out no matter how you slice it :)
As for Legend of Legacy, it'll be very interesting to see how all of this talk about the game's SaGa roots helps its sales--if at all. I certainly hope it does, as it looks like a really intriguing game, but we'll see. Anyway, I'll be contributing to one of its sales, that's for sure!
I'm burned out of dealing with 3DS hardware issues & I've pretty much played all the games I was going to barring a few. I'm strange because I don't much care for 1st party titles. I'll take atlus, NIS, & etc games though. I'll just stack that backlog & play when I'm ready.
Vita, well, its Vita. Most everything on it I can play on PC or my PS4. Crossbuy makes it easier for me to just sit and play on tv at my leisure.
Also, learning guitar has been a blast. I really should say relearning after a few injuries. I can say, I've spent more free time playing guitar, writing songs, and playing around with music lately.
I think some time away will bring it back my passion.
I think they play too closely into their conservatism. Gaudy doesn't sell well in US but, it's a limited edition it's not going to be mass produced. Scalpers alone ensure it'll sell out in days, who am I kidding it'll do it in less than an hour. Amiibos should've taught them that.
I wish the smaller n3DS was coming for the people who wanted it, but I was planning to buy the XL version either way. That's going to be my Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate machine, and I'd much rather have the C-stick than the big Circle Pad Pro attachment. I just hope I'm finished with Dragon Age: Inquistion by then; I hit the 90-hour mark last night and I'm still going strong. lol
I hope Splatoon has as much love put into it as Plants v Zombies: Gardenwarfare. The amount of content in that game is tremendous. If they can do that I might buy it with in the first week.
It also is very fun playing as the Little House of Horrors venus fly trap saying, "Feed Me Seymour," after eating an enemy.
Troll-wata hilarious but, it's probably rooted in looking at the fact that once the XL hit no one bought the OG 3DS. If you pay attention they have been increasing hard to find in shops. They've been near impossible to snag outside Nintendo refurbs and the resellers(ebay, Amazon, & used market). They've been phased out and this is a continuance of that decision.
It would've been nice to have say, an online way to get it direct from Nintendo. Barring that, 3DS XL faceplates. It's probably too much to ask from them because they'll just use this for some quick cash while the next handheld is finalized.
True. That said, I wish they'd stop producing these LEs/SEs in such limited numbers. I mean, I know they're supposed to be limited, but selling out as quickly as the Majora's Mask N3DS XL did yesterday? Sad :(
I know very little about PvZ so I'll just have to take your word here, Chief. That said, is there any reason at this point to believe Splatoon will be lacking in content?
They're definitely not going to offer us the N3DS XL with cover plates, that much I am sure of. I still think it's possible the smaller N3DS will get a NA release down the road--you know, just to further increase the mileage on the 3DS system in this market--but that's about it. At this point, though, it also wouldn't surprise me if they just skipped over the smaller system entirely as, like you said here, Chief, it seems somewhat/fairly obvious that NA gamers preferred the 3DS XL to the OG 3DS, and that may have pushed NOA to lead with the bigger system (and the bigger system only) this time around.
I haven't pre-ordered yet, but I plan to this weekend. I'll snag the Monster Hunter one if I can, but otherwise I'll go with one of the plain black or red ones.
Ah, there you go. I'm going to hold out for the smaller system myself. And if it's never released here? I may just look for a regular/non-New 3DS XL (if that makes sense) as a replacement for my red OG 3DS.
The thing I can't get over is the way they deliver or ignore "bad news." Like with the Wii titles, they're quick to say "isn't it bothersome to load up the Wii Menu to play your Wii games?" but they didn't suggest anything to the effect that they were doing anything about that, and I assume disc-based games would not be effected by the improved system. It's like "we screwed up, but you can pay us to fix it for a FEW titles..." The 3DS comparison seemed pretty bad too, like Smash Bros JUST came out and they're already all like "look at this shameful load time!" I don't know what Amiibo storage is like but the reminder that Mario Party will overwrite your Smash Bros data is still a shocker, like, really? Do these games really require so much data, or do the Amiibos have so little storage space inside? Really, Nintendo? And then there's the AC Adapter thing, which of course, in Japan especially, I bet there's hardly anyone who doesn't already have a couple laying around, and there's that precedent of Nintendo not including video cables with some consoles in Japan too, just because people presumably already have them. But over here that's totally unheard of. Neat Nintendo trivia but a really weird business decision on this side of the Pacific!
I should say I'm not "raging" about any of these issues or anything, but that's what really stood out to me.
Yes, the powers that be at NOA are stumbling all over themselves these days, sadly. Of course, it's kind of part and parcel, isn't it? I mean, NOJ's having a hard time, too. I guess they're just not sure what to do at the moment and so are trying a bunch of things. Unfortunately, it isn't much of a surprise to me to find that they're not handling all of these situations well, as Nintendo's never been great about change. They're great about making games, no question, but everything else? Woof!
Up until a few months ago I had yet to finish Awakening too! I got to the point where I could hunt down every child [chills run down spine] or could progress through the last 5-6 chapters. I had spent more time than I imagined I would in the DLC (which was all really good), so I had some lopsided strength issues and just decided to blaze through the last few chapters with my faves of the seemingly over-powered bunch. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! The last levels give you the option (and heavily encourage you) to use about 15~ guys, and I only ended up running through with 7-8, and they were some of the most intense, gratifying battles I've had! Anyway, all that being said, you should pick it up and run through a couple chapters at the least!
And I totally felt the same way, it had a more distinct oriental feel in the music and battle-depiction, so I tottoalllylyly thought they were gonna reveal the crossover. Hard to believe it's been 2 full years this month since they announced that project.
My thoughts exactly! I don't think I'll stop completely but, a massive reduction is in order.
No surprise there. Everything is getting bigger screens (tablets, phones, TVs). Even 2DS isn't doing well anymore.
Oh, I'll get back to Awakening eventually, Zach, no worries there. I just need one of those famed "game droughts" to hit again before I can do so. And if one fails to materialize? Well, I'll just have to force myself to pick it up again, as I really did enjoy the time I put into it earlier.
Very true. That said, I'd love to hear from NOA as to how well (or poorly) the 2DS has sole in NA so far...
That makes sense. Hopefully I won't follow in your footsteps anytime soon, because if I do--and if I lose interest in handheld gaming--I'd probably walk away from the "hobby" entirely, and I don't want to do that.
oh no O_O
I would as well.
Sadly, I doubt NOA will ever share those details--unless it's sold like gangbusters, or something (and I'm pretty sure we'd already know if that were the case).
Yep. Just not very interested in consoles at the moment. I mean, I like the Wii U well enough, but even then I have no idea when or if I'll actually buy one. And the PS4 and Xbone? Not even remotely interested at this point. Which is good for my wallet, I guess, but...
Shelf space suggests it did well initially then died down harshly.
Interesting! And this kind of thing may be why NOA is going with just the N3DS XL in the NA region--at least for now. As in, it's possible they couldn't get the shelf space at retail for both versions of the system.
So far I've been able to get all the amiibo I want though Fox was harder to purchase at regular price than the others. My main issue with them so far is a few of them (Kirby, Link, Peach, & Samus) have slightly shoddy paint jobs but for the most part the errors look like I could fix them myself as the errors are rather small. Samus on the other hand has part were yellow seeps into a part that's supposed to be orange very noticeably and I'm thinking I'll contact the website I order her from to see if I can get a replacement. I should probably start buying them at actual stores.
Well, that's good to hear, Sam! Based on what I've read about Amiibos so far (not a ton, to be honest), hunting them down often sounds like a nightmare! Also, it's too bad some of them have shoddy paint jobs. Here's hoping you can get that Samus replaced!
Ah man, not interested in Bloodborne or Souls games? I have to be there to support Nathan Drake in Uncharted. And then Persona 5, I have to experience that one along with Dragon Quest Heroes.
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