Sunday, December 14, 2014

The question is: will SaGa 2015 for Vita be like Romancing SaGa, SaGa Frontier or (barf) Unlimited SaGa?

Actually, before answering that question, we probably should ask ourselves, "why in the hell did the folks at Square Enix decide to make a new SaGa game at all?"

After that, we could ponder, "and why did they decide to put it on the Vita, of all systems?"

Finally, with both of those questions out of the way, the three or four of us who still have an interest in this long-ignored series can move on to contemplating how SaGa 2015 (which I'm assuming is a placeholder name) will compare to its predecessors.

Personally, I'm hoping SaGa 2015 will follow in the footsteps of my favorite SaGa game to date, SaGa Frontier.

The worst-case scenario for me, on the other hand, would be for this new SaGa title to play like 2002's Unlimited SaGa and look like the PS2 remake of Romancing SaGa from 2005.

How about you? Do you have any hopes or fears related to this just-announced game?


Billy Kostyra said...

Vita Exclusive, RPG, and SQUARE ENIX .....Sold said...

I'm not yet sold on it myself, Billy, but I'm definitely interested. I'll move toward "sold" territory once we see the game in action and can determine it's unlikely to be like Unlimited SaGa or, say, the more recent Mana titles. (Yuck.)

Zaphod65 said...

I'd have to see it in action, but more Vita RPGs are always welcome. I hope Square Enix's interest in the system lasts long enough to get the HD treatment for Final Fantasy 12.

Franggio Hogland said...

The reason to put it on Vita is that it's easier to manage the incoming ports later on. See the Vita as the lowest common denominator. :(

SaGa Frontier, yes, yes please! If Square could regress back to Frontiers time but make it *modern* I would love to get my hands all over it. Instead of trying to invent the wheel every time they should take a leaflet from Bravely Default and realise that traditional with a fresh coat of paint isn't always bad.

PS. I Kinda liked Unlimited SaGa :) really enjoyed the combat after I got that down ^^

Franggio Hogland said...

My heart is set a flutter every time someone mentions Final Fantasy 12 in HD. :)
Done everything to make it as pretty as possible on my PC. Different mods, own line of code and begging to those who knew more...but it's still not the same as a official HD release. :( said...

Yeah, I have a feeling many of us are going to have to see this game in action before we can really pass judgment on it. Also, yes, some sort of HD treatment of FF12 would be great! said...

I have to imagine we'll get something sooner rather than later, don't you, Franggio? In fact, I'd expect it sometime next year... said...

I just really, REALLY hope this game isn't as disappointing to me as, say, the most recent Mana games and all of those hideous-looking FF "remakes" for iOS and Android.

As for more SaGa Frontier--oh, man, would I love that. If it harkened back to the first SaGa Frontier, especially. (I own SaGa Frontier and I've always liked its graphics, but I've yet to actually play it!)

Finally, I really should note that I haven't exactly given Unlimited SaGa a fair shake up to this point, so take my words about it here with a massive grain of salt.

I'm going to do my best to try to play through it in 2015, though, Franggio, so wish me luck when I finally tackle it :)

Franggio Hogland said...

I'm expecting that as well. To be honest I'm expecting something for Jump Festa, not anymore. So Next year it is, please :)

Franggio Hogland said...

yeah most of those remakes that has landed on smartphones :( Although Tactics looks great tbh. Was not expecting that.

Good luck Bryan :) The game is kinda funky with it's free scenario, it's gameplay and just beautiful art style really makes it easy to love. *imo* :) said...

Yeah, this definitely seems like something that will be mentioned after the holiday season is over. Not sure how long after it's over it will be announced, though... said...

Wasn't the mobile version of FF Tactics just a port, though--or are you talking about something else here?

As for Unlimited SaGa, I'm already sold on its art style (not as much as the art styles used in the Romancing SaGa or SaGa Frontier games, mind you, but still...), but I will admit that I'm a bit apprehensive about the gameplay!

I'll surely write about it here, though, once I've started playing it :)

Franggio Hogland said...

Yes it was a port, a direct port even? Not sure, but perhaps that's why it looks so good. They only added a few filters :)

Well combat was my main gripe at the start but after sitting down I came to actually like it. Was not as twisted as I first thought ^^

Really looking forward to your thoughts about it then :) Perhaps I should refresh my memory myself since it was ages ago :) said...

Yeah, my memory/impression is that it basically is/was a direct port. Which is OK, of course, but I'm personally more interested in remakes--especially when they're like the DS versions of Final Fantasy III and IV and SaGa II and III.

I'll definitely let you and everyone else know my thoughts on Unlimited SaGa once I finally get around to it. Don't expect that to happen in the next few weeks or even months, though, as I have a bunch of other games to play before this one! (You'll see what I mean shortly.) said...

Doh! Thanks for pointing that out, Steve! Off to change it right now...

Franggio Hogland said...

man oh man, I'm really iffy about the DS version of IV. Really liked the remake of III but IV... Just purely about the aesthetics though, I'm silly that way but it was my first Final Fantasy :) and thankfully we didn't get the easy mode thing in our PAL release :) said...

Actually, despite what I said earlier, Franggio, I'm with you on being at least a bit iffy regarding the DS version of FFIV. Not because I think it's trash or ugly as sin or whatever, but because I don't like its aesthetics as much as I like the SuFami original or the GBA remake.

The same is true for me with the original, 8-bit version of FFIII and its DS remake, though. I mean, I like the DS remake and all, but I prefer the original's graphics, etc.

Personally, I think it's too bad the devs of these two DS remakes didn't go with a more stylized look--a la The 4 Heroes of Light, for instance. Now that game, it REALLY nailed a nice look on the DS' limited hardware, IMO.

Franggio Hogland said...

we share the same opinion :) One of the reasons I always regress to the PSP version these days, even with it's atrocious loading times.
I really need to buy a working DS or a backlit GBA again :) said...

Ah, I have the PSP port of FFIV, but I haven't yet played it--in part because I'm not a fan of its art style XD

Franggio Hogland said...

sacré bleu!! *gathers the pitchforks, fire, more fire and...meh taste varies :D
I assume it's the smoothing that turns you away? ^^ said...

Just so I'm sure we're both talking about the same game--you're talking about FF IV: The Complete Collection for PSP, right?

If so, I actually don't much care for its overall art style--and the same can be said for the PSP remakes of FF I and FF II.

I don't *hate* the art style used in these games, by the way, but I also don't love it. I far prefer the art styles used in the original games, though, that's for sure.

Still, I own copies of FF I and FF IV for PSP, so don't get too mad at me. (Now I just need to find the time to *play* them!)

Franggio Hogland said...

yes we are, with the high definition sprites all those extra games :) Well truth be told the European GBA version is ace but not having a working GBA nor a DS at this point I can't really go back and form an up-to-date opinion :)

I'm silly but not so silly that I would get upset because our tastes varies ^^
Well...that isn't really true, if you don't like pancakes we have a problem. Medical reasons are the only exception to this rule. Pancakes are the best ^^ said...

Ha ha! Well, rest assured that I do love pancakes. Who doesn't? I also like French toast, and many other breakfast-y foods :)

finchiekins said...

Oh man! The DS remake of FFIV was my favorite! It was my first Final Fantasy too, but the graphics really appealed to me because it was like some forgotten 80s anime come to life in wonderful blocky 32-bit polygons! It's also my favorite because it's the only version of FFIV that has any difficulty. It's probably my favorite remake of a video game ever. I actually really disliked the FFIII DS port because it was even slower than the original, and i really like the 8-bit sprites.

finchiekins said...

It would be really weird to make this like Unlimited Saga with Romancing SaGa graphics because Unlimited was almost like a table-top rpg while the rest of the games were more traditional, just really obtuse. As long as Kawazu plays a meaningful role, producer or director of some kind, i think it'll be fine.
As much as i dislike *most* mobile ports (Ghost Trick was an exception, it was nearly perfect), i think Unlimited would be better on a mobile platform than it is on console. It could be played in small chunks instead of having to sit down, and a touch screen interface would work really well for nearly everything. People always complain about Unlimited, but i really really wish it was on US PSN or there was some kind of mobile or portable port. I think the perception of the game is already too poisonous for them to make it and for it to succeed though, and that's really a shame. said...

I'm going to have to give FFIV another try. I wasn't thrilled with it (or FFIII, for that matter) when I first played it many moons ago, but after your reminder of its supposed brilliance, I'm willing to try it again.

BTW, how sad is it that SE never remade FFV in this way? SO SAD, that's how sad :( said...

I was kidding when I mentioned the possible Unlimited x Romancing mash-up, finchiekins. I really can't see Kawazu et al producing a game that looks like the PS2 remake of Reomancing SaGa, especially.

I know I've mentioned this already, or at least I think I have, but I have to give Unlimited a real chance sometime soon. I know it has a terrible rep with most gamers, but that's rarely bothered me before :)