Friday, August 22, 2014

I guess you could say I bought Bubble Bobble's GameBoy port because of its box art

Have I ever badmouthed Bubble Bobble's GameBoy port in this space before? I'm going to guess I haven't, but who knows. Regardless, it's not the best version of this classic Taito property. It's not a total stinker, but its average graphics and flicker-filled gameplay relegate it to the lower tier of Bubble Bobble releases, in my humble opinion.

All of which likely will prompt at least a few of you to wonder, so why'd you pick up a complete-in-box copy of this sucker recently? The header above mostly gives it away, I'm afraid, although to be honest the prospect of being able to own and stare at this Japanese GameBoy title's beautiful box art (below) wasn't the only reason I bought it.

Another reason was that I wanted to give this portable single-screen platformer a second chance, despite my earlier, rather negative experiences with it.

And then, of course, there was the simple fact that copy seen throughout this post was pretty darn cheap--as in, somewhere around $10 (not including shipping).

Totally random aside: I really like the bold font that appears on the sides of this box. (The symbols spell out Bubble Bobble, by the way--or, Baburu Boburu.)

The blue banding is a nice complement and addition to the cover art, too, I think.

As is often the case with these old Japanese GameBoy boxes, the back side isn't nearly as thrilling as the front side. It's always nice to see that big, beautiful Bubble Bobble logo, at least.

Have any of you played this version of Bubble Bobble before? If so, what do you think about it? Also, have you played Bubble Bobble Junior (aka Bubble Bobble Part 2)? I actually far prefer the latter to the former, even though it's also far from a perfect portable Bubble Bobble experience.

See also: 'Where have you been all my life, Cave Noire?'